Monday, December 27, 2010

Future craft!

Future craft!
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: old jeans
Last used: two weeks ago when I notice the rips near the pockets
Why kept: I might repair them
Destination: "A" for crafting

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Clean sweep

Clean sweep
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: container for pre-soaped face cloths and empty baby shampoo
Last used: the last face cloth was tonight and the bottle has been moved around the bathroom for a few weeks
How long kept: about 6 years and about 6 months respectively
Destination recycle

I had forgotten about the pre-soaped cloths for years and during the great bathroom purge they resurfaced. I made it my goal to use them and now they are gone!! And I didn't just toss them even though it showed they expired in 2005. They were in a sealed dry box. It took awhile to use the box of 30 because I didn't use them daily. Yay me!!

Bagged and Tagged

Bagged and Tagged
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Used ziploc bag.
Origin: Traveling light. See confession.
Usage: Quite a bit.
How long kept: Well over a year.
Why kept: It's Perfectly Good!
Destination: Plastic bag recycling.

Confession: I've used ziplocs for travel cosmetic bags since long
before the TSA made them de rigeuer. They're light and quite sturdy.
This one has got to go, it's looking a bit gnarly It will likely be
replaced with a similar model.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

And they all made of ticky tacky

What: old tic tacs - yes they are fuzzy looking
Why kept: out of site in the junk drawer and we might eat them
How long kept: 2005, Correction 2006. They were a wedding favor. The hubby and I put them together for a wedding we attended. We also made them for our wedding
Destination: garbage
The junk drawer needs to be attacked. But I think we are going to try to hit some old toys for the week after Christmas. We are so lucky to be blessed with such generous family and friends!!! <3

And all the Jazz

And all the Jazz
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: plastic play hat (cracked)
Last used: this week
Why kept: hours of entertainment for the Boy. He'd sing and dance for hours. He loves the old musicals like "Singin' in the Rain"
Destination: recycle

Friday, December 24, 2010

From one foodie to another

What: Baby food
Why kept: might need it
Last used: about 2-4 months ago
Destination: a little gift from The Kid to his cousin

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Peanut Friend

What:  Lucy keychain.
Origin:  Impulse gift from a friend.
How long kept:  About a week and a half.
Usage:  Nope.
Why kept:   See confession.
Destination:  Housing Works.

Confession:  This sweet gift was inspired by my recent change of my FB avatar to a cartoon Lucy, which I did one weekend when many in my circle were changing to cartoon characters in one of those seemingly futile yet energetically yogic desires to say, "we're all in this together".   I should change it back, since it's hardly legal.  But I digress!

This is the kind of gift that I ordinarily put into a box and keep "forever."   Or until I no longer open the box, cast my eyes on it, and think, "awww, my friend B gave this to me!"   Sticky.

And gone.   I have other memories of "B" that I don't need a cartoon character keychain to remember her by.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Regifting, Squared

Regifting, Squared
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Small bag, suitable for gifting. But not so pretty.
Origin: Bitch & Swap.
How long kept: Probably 3 years?
Why kept: Of course, I might give a gift. Thus, It Might Be Useful.
Usage: Nope.
Destination: It has been remade with spray paint, sparkle spray (really) and ribbon, and is now a lovely gift bag, which will be dispatched come Christmas morning.

Confession: It is totally out of my house, here in Chicagoland, although technically it has not changed hands. Purists may call for a judge on whether I have broken The Rules. Since I'm one of the judges, it's a weighted contest.

Confession, part deux: One of my family members has asked for a very specific item for Christmas. I received this item as a gift last year, and never even opened it. It will be contained in this bag....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hand Jive

What:  Earthy hand cream.
Origin:  A history of extremely chapped hands.
How long kept:  A couple of months.
Why kept:   It Might Be Useful.   I Might Need It.
Usage:  Yes, see confession.
Destination:  To my sister, "K."

Confession:   I was trying to stay away from parabens, plastic, and animal products.  (OK, beeswax is technically an animal product.)  But this hand cream didn't do it for me, even when used with white cotton gloves overnight.   It sure smells good!  I gave it to K in hopes it would work for her.  

Monday, December 20, 2010

Long In The Toothbrush

Long In The Toothbrush
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Aged toothbrush.
Origin: My first toothbrush was apparently like a security blanket to
me. I still feel this way, though this one had moved out of active
Usage: Yep.
How long kept: Probably 4-5 months. A bit too long.
Why kept: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind...found it with my travel stuff
when packing for my holiday adventure.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: For one brief moment, thought about saving it for
cleaning. Heckfire, It Might Be Useful. I restrained that impulse.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Travelblogue OR Coffee Party

What: Two Starbucks Via samples. Origin: Foisted on me by baristas.
How long kept: Probably since early this year?  (NB:  I noticed they were expired...almost a year ago.   I used them anyways.)
Usage: If taking up a sliver of space in my cabinet counts as usage, yes. Otherwise, no.
Why kept: They Might Be Useful! Should Have Said No.
Destination: Down my gullet, somewhere between Waterloo, IN and South Bend IN. See confession.

Confession: Yes, I'm live blogging from Amtrak, on my World Tour To Protect the Fourth Amendment.

Yes, this mostly lefty is staying away from flying...and letting my
airline, which I've probably flown lifetime mileage of, well I can't make a credible guess. But I used to fly every week, sometimes more than once. This business of searching tens of thousands of travelers a day...many the name of "security"? Ridiculous.

My brother asked me if I was now a member if the Tea Party.

Uh, probably not.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ringing in the new year early!

What: Earrings. A gift for my 30th.
why kept: They might be worth something
How long kept: Waaaaay longer than I should have
Destination: I sold them to a friend at work for $75.  Getting rid of them? Priceless!

Someone's Candle Problem, Passed On

OMG, I saw this when I was dropping off other items at Housing Works.   It's technically not a candle...but a candle base.   (And as far as I'm concerned, beyond any obvious objections to this item, practically speaking it's a fire hazard!)

If it strikes your fancym it might still be there -- $10 at Housing Works on Chambers in Lower Manhattan...

Sunk Cost: A Whole New Meaning

What: Pricey bra.
Origin: Desire, no -- need for help addressing gravity.
How long kept: Probably too long.
Usage: Yep, this one was in frequent rotation. Unlike -- ahem -- others, I maintain a very small collection.
Why kept: Seemed perfectly good. See confession.
Destination: Textile recycling.

Confession: I thought this one was Perfectly Good. Until I saw a very illuminating, if unflattering, photo of myself...taken by "S." Thank you "S," for not letting me walk around looking like that any more!

Confession, part deux: It looks so Perfectly Good (and was sooo pricey) that it really wouldn't have otherwise crossed my mind to let it go.

Sunk cost is a term used in economics to indicate that you've already invested in something, and you can't get your investment back.   (Point is to not let your emotion over the cost interfere with future decisions.)  In my life, these sunk costs are part of what create attachment.
  • I bought that book, I'd better put it on my bookshelf even though I hated it.
  • That dress that was stunning on me in 1995 cost an arm and a leg, surely it will come back into fashion.
  • That lamp belonged to Grandma, it's a "valuable antique"...and it's a Family Heirloom!  I'd better keep it forever.
Confession, cont: Textile recycling, definitely. I did give a brand new bra to a local charity earlier in the year. (Someone Might Need It!) A regularly worn one, I don't think so.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Giving Away The Love

Giving Away The Love
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Promotional CD.
Origin: Clearly Starbucks, but can't remember.
How long kept: ??
Usage: Nope.
Why kept: Out Of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Housing Works.

It doesn't compute

It doesn't compute
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
On so many levels
What: a work computer.
How long kept: 6 - 8 months
Why: out of sight. See my story below
Destination: back to work to be given a proper burial. (Recycled properly)
I had picked this up earlier in the year from another department. It lived in my car for awhile. I just forgot about it. Then it was evicted from my car because we needed the space to move something. Then it lived in the garage...way out of sight. It came to the surface before we went on our Thanksgiving adventure and was back in the sight. Now its in its rightful place! Yay

Out and away from my waistline!

What: candies given to us by a dear friend
How long kept: all in all it will be a total about 16 hours
Destination: where food goes to die -- my work :)

Okay, I'll eat a dark chocolate one :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


What:  Novel.
Origin:  Did we read it for book club?
Usage:  Yeah, I did read it.
How long kept:  No idea.
Why kept:  It was on my bookshelf.   Out of Sight, Out of Mind, in plain sight.
Destination:  Housing Works.

Confession:   At our recent book club holiday party, we were trying to remember what we read this year.   Maybe this was one of the books.   I looked at it, I read the back cover.   I do remember the outlines of the story, and some of the protagonist's personal characteristics.   But the book otherwise made no impression on me.  At all.  

(Unlike The Road, which I think I'm going to read again.)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Candle storage box

Candle storage box
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: freebie candle from a website (Glade perhaps). Good marketing ploy. However I'm not buying
Last used: the candle burned in one evening rather quickly in mid November
Why kept: maybe I will buy into it. It was pleasant smelling. NO! I still have plenty in the candle dept!
Destination: I'm going to either save it for the next free4all or recycle it right this minute... Which box hmmm

Paper Entrails

Paper Entrails
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Receipts for business expenses.
Origin: Business. And, expenses.
How long kept: A couple were from July, 2010. Most of the rest were September - early December.
Why kept: Desire to comply with tax laws, while maximizing my deductions. They Might Be Useful. I Might Need Them.
Destination: Bookkeeper. Woot.

Confession: I still have a couple of hours of work on this for the year, but I'm more or less DONE with work I have to do for tax prep.

First. Time. Ever. Epic Win.

I usually make myself sick about this until sometime in early/mid-March. Then, I sit on the floor for a day or two and berate myself while I sort paper and create an obsessive spreadsheet.


Confession, part deux:   This isn't actually the file that went to the bookkeeper.   This is the file of December's non-tax items.  The bookkeeper file, once done, felt so weighty I had to make it leave... and I neglected to snap a photo.  

I Suspect That "S" Will Appreciate This

Great Blog.  It could be called, "It Might Be Useful," but instead it's called Past Imperfect, by a someone I think we'd love, Andrew Baseman.   I read about Andrew in the NY Times today.

Andrew collects and documents broken, but repaired, antiques.   Like this jug.   I love his blog!   It is about a time when things were precious, and worth fixing by definition.  

In the course of our project here, I have fixed several things I've had around the house...and tossed many that weren't worth it. 

This looks like a hack my dad would appreciate. 

(Photo is from Andrew's blog...I have requested his permission to leave it here.)

Hey tubby

Hey tubby
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: infant bath tub
Last used: about 6 months ago. He prefers bathing in the big tub
Why kept: tried to figure what to do with it.
Destination: Amvets

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Paper Profit

Paper Profit
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Wrapping paper.
Origin: I think some glassware I purchased.
How long kept: About 6 months.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. It's Perfectly Good. And I Might Need It.
Usage: Uh uh.
Destination: Recycling.

Confession:   This was Out of Sight, Out of Mind in my closet with some mailing envelopes and packing materials, up over my head.   It fell off the shelf and onto the floor when I pulled an envelope out to use it yesterday.

Dead-Weight Loss

Haha, a story tonight on NPR's Marketplace is on the economic waste of the unwanted items in our homes.   An engineer calculates the rent she pays on a horrible candle she received as a gift.   Worth a quick listen.

(No, this is not the candle referenced in the Marketplace story.   Ugly Zombie Candle.jpg by Jo Naylor is used under Creative Commons License.  How much do I love flickr?  I just input the search term "ugly candle," and found this candle, which Jo calls an accidental purchase.)

Monday, December 13, 2010

I "Absolute"ly Wonder whhhhhy it took me so long

What: a decorative freebie of "A" that she sent me to Ebay
How long kept in my house: argh May or June
Why: I'll get around to it.... In DECEMBER. But maybe there was more demand for it? No not really. But it's off and going out of the country! Woot!

The missing cat's eye

The missing cat's eye
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: envelope holding a rhinestone... However, the stone is gone.
How log kept: I've moved this envelope around my bathroom for years
Why: I might fix it and pit the stone back in the cat pin. (Hmm do I still have that??)
Destination: recycle

Last Book I Read

Last Book I Read
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Book Club holiday book swap bounty.
Origin: Holiday Cheer.
How long kept: 6 days.
Usage: Stayed up way past bedtime finishing this one.
Why kept: I Might Need It if I want to read it.
Destination: Passing along to another club member, via USPS.

Confession:  I know that my mom, and probably "M," would like this book, and I thought about bringing it to Chicagoland with me.   They can get it from the library, where it won't litter either of their homes.

Win, win, win.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Doing A Runner

Doing A Runner
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Dime store table runner.
Origin: I can't actually remember.
How long kept: Ditto. Possibly since the 80s.
Usage: Ditto again. Not in this century, that I remember.
Why kept: What kind of humbug would get rid of any Christmas-themed decor item? I Might Need It! And, Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind in a Storage Box.
Destination: Housing Works, which was riotous with holiday decor today.

Confession: I don't actually think that my Storage Box filled with
ornaments is Evil.  This is an exception to the "Storage Boxes Are Evil" rule.   There are truly some things that are meant to be stored a lot of the time...and as long as I can identify them when I need them, I deem these storage boxes to be Not Evil.

That said, I think that some of the contents of this one can go...maybe it can be consolidated down to a smaller, and even less Evil storage box.

By invitation only

By invitation only
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: Invitations used for The Boy's birthday party
Last used. Two weeks ago.  The party was this past weekend
Why kept: might be use for for scrapbooking. naaah They weren't that good... Ow, twinge of guilt... maybe I need it for his book.... breathe in.... breath out... Okay it passed
Destination: Recycle

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Silly String

Silly String
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: String collection.
Origin: Wacky green thriftiness.
Usage: Never.
How long kept: Various. Some probably dates to the early 90s.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. Out of Sight, Out of Mind in the
toolbox. (Storage Boxes Are Evil.). Aargh.
Destination: Textile recycling.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Good to the Last...

Good to the Last...
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Practically empty travel sized toothpaste.
Origin: Travel.
How long kept: At least 6 weeks.
Why kept: I Might Need It. If I can only squeeze out the last teeny
little bit. (Kind of like the soap slivers.). Out Of Sight, Out Of
Mind in the medicine cabinet.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: If I weren't out of Q-Tips, on account of refusing to buy
the smallest size seemingly now available, 500, I might have used one
to coax that tiny bit of toothpaste out of there...

Who Is That Masked Woman

Who Is That Masked Woman
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Airline sleep mask.
Origin: Business Travel.
Usage: Not even on the plane.
How long kept: 10-11 years.
Why kept: Aargh, and Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind.
Destination: Textile recycling.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Split Decision

Split Decision
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:   Gnarly emery board.
Origin:   Home mani goodness.
Usage:   Clearly.
How long kept:   Oh, probably a few years
Why kept:    It's Perfectly Good.   Kind of.   Aaargh.
Destination:   NYC landfill.

Confession:   The medicine cabinet is the gift that keeps on giving, in terms of blog items.   Sigh.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's Not Perfectly Good If I Won't Use It

Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Plastic container.
Origin: Food storage initiative.
How long kept: Probably since the late 80's/early 90s.
Usage: Yep. Until recently.
Why kept: It's Perfectly Good.
Destination: Housing Works.

Confession:   I thought about keeping it for craft stuff, mixing paint, etc.  Decided against it.

Unbecoming depiction

Unbecoming depiction
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: squishy ball stress reliever in the shape of a rotund police officer
Why kept: out of sight. It was hidden after one of the kids tried to behead him
How long kept: from a police exhibit this past summer at the mall
Destination: garbage

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fooled Me More Than Twice

What: Sunblock.
Origin: I think I got this for a day of winter fun, ice climbing, early this year. See confession.
How long kept: Either 10 months, or see confession.
Why kept: It's Perfectly Good. Not.
Usage: Yep.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: I wouldn't swear to the date of purchase for this baby in court. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't 2008...apparently when it expired.

I do know where I got it: Duane Reade, home of the expired cosmetics. I should know better than to ever buy anything there.

Ever. Again. If there was someone actually named Duane Reade, I'd have to throw down with him over this.

And eew, they actually carry food items there. I don't think I've ever bought anything edible there. Well, with a recent exception of candy canes. Oh.

"M", is The Boy ok?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

no more warm fuzzies

no more warm fuzzies
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: warm fuzzy socks
Why kept: maybe they will stay on my cold tootsies @ night. NOT and they are perfectly good
Destination: either the Free4all in January or Amvets
I *heart* these sock but the just don't stay on my feet in bed. Time to let someone else try them out :)

As Old As The Earl

As Old As The Earl
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: 8 ancient tea bags (Earl Grey).
Origin: Tea drinking jones.
How long kept: Definitely since the last century.
Why kept: Since I don't actually like Earl Grey tea, They Might Be Useful for a guest.
Usage: Some -- the box of tea they came in had many more teabags.
Destination: Community compost.

Confession: The paper at the side of the packages was starting to peel apart...and when I guiltily started to open them to put them into the compost, I found that they weren't all that aromatic any more.   So, they actually weren't Perfectly Good.

Additional Note: There actually was an Earl Grey.  (The Wikipedia page features a drawing of him that for some odd reason reminds me of the Jolly Green Giant.   It's not strictly a resemblance, perhaps more because it resonates a strength of personality that evokes his tea-drinking Greyness.  Or is it his Earlness?)

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Less than 1/2 cup of I'm not entirely sure. See confession.
Origin: Plastic container in my kitchen cabinet that had survived prior purges -- Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind.
How long kept: Huh.
Usage: Possibly.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. I guess.
Destination: Compost.

Confession: Is it cornmeal? Couscous? I am flippin' stumped. Truly. And since I can't identify it, its age, or its provenance, I'm going to take a leap and say that I'm not going to eat it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Cutting This Rug (Pad)

Cutting This Rug (Pad)
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Leftover rug padding.
Origin: Non-slip goodness.
How long kept: Since March, 1988.  (When I bought a small rug with my first-ever bonus.)
Why kept: I Might Need It. It Might Be Useful. Out Of Sight, Out Of
Usage: Nope. Didn't Need It at all.
Destination: Textile recycling.

Confession:  I considered using this as packing material when I sent the Christmas books to Chicagoland.   However, I forgot!   It's not Useful if you forget to use it!

Confession, cont:   Yes, I also found this in my toolbox.   There's probably a bit more to come out of that special case of the Evil Storage Box.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Can't Handle This

I Can't Handle This'
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Handles.
Origin: Heavy/unwieldy stuff I bought.
How long kept: Definitely since the last century.
Usage: Don't think so.
Why Kept: They're Perfectly Good. I Might Need Them. And Out of
Sight, Out of the tool box. (Storage Boxes Are Evil.)
Destination: Ka-chunk. Right into the trash.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting scrappy

Getting scrappy
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: little scraps from fleece blankets
Why kept: I could use them to stuff little things I make. Out of sight. Good crafting intentions gone bad
How long kept: two years
Destination: textile recycling

I almost asked "A" is she wanted them :). Too late. They are in the bag!

Feeling Like A Tool

Feeling Like A Tool
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Shards of a ceramic bowl.
Origin: I was channeling my Grandma.
How long kept: Oh, ho, ho...since sometime in the last century. (Not pre-90s, however.)
Why kept: They Might Be Useful, if I need a drain for a flowerpot. For example. And Aaargh!
Usage: See confession.
Destination: Garbage.

Confession: More toolbox bounty...I actually used to have these in the cabinet with cleaning materials, etc. When I reorganized, both the toolbox and the shards moved, the shards consolidated into the toolbox.

Confession, part deux: I used to have quite a way with African violets, and I had used some of these shards siblings to drain some of them. The plants all died -- unknown fungus -- and I decided that even plants were too high maintenance for me.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Twisted, Sister

Twisted, Sister
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Twist ties.
Origin: Purchased along with electronica, I believe.
How long kept: Aaargh.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. Out of Sight, Out of Mind. See confession.
Usage: Nope.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: I made a foray into my tool box for an awl. Pretty sure that there's one in there, somewhere. Thankfully, my toolbox is about the size of two shoeboxes. It is a motherlode of blog items, a special case of the Storage Box. Storage Boxes are Evil.

Stay tuned for other inane items I've been hanging onto because, face it, baby: I Might Need Them.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lie La Lie

Lie La Lie
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A Good Box.
Origin: Actually, "S."
How long kept: A bit over 2 years.
Why kept: It's Perfectly Good! I Might Need It! It Might Be Useful!
Usage: Other than its original use, when "S" sent me a box of books, it has gone back and forth between NY and Chicago at least 3 round trips, via US Mail.
Destination: Chicagoland, to my sis-in-law and brother, or more specifically their oldest kids, with my crafty advent calendar books inside.

Confession: I was sad to see it go. Sticky.

Bonus: There's a nice empty space on my closet shelf.

Bye, buh, bye.

Fenugreek & Catching up

Fenugreek & Catching up
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: fenugreek. It's a herb in a capsule
How long kept: I got this 2 for 1 this past summer. This is the second bottle. Unopened
Why kept: I might need it
Destination. My lactating friend @ work. She's just back from maternity leave.
I'm going to spend some time catching up today with my items. These items have already been removed from my home but not "blogged". The holidays are a busy time :). I'll be back dating my other posts. So please go back and check them out :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tag, I'm Not It

Tag, I'm Not It
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Name tags from conferences.
Origin: Ack. They keep turning up.
Usage: Strictly one-time.
How long kept: Hard to say. Some probably 5 years.
Why kept: Inertia. I might remember to repatriate them at the next conference, and thus They Might Be Useful.
Destination: Used! They're now parts of the advent-y calendars made this weekend. They're off in the mail tomorrow.

Confession: I try not to take these badges any more. With mixed
success...I brought one home last month. Sigh.

Where does this hide - part II

What: more expired Rx and OTC drugs
Why kept: it might be useful
Where found: I was looking for our wine glasses. We used to have 1 million of them. Instead I found all this in one of our kitchen cabinets
Destination: my local health department for disposal
How long kept: some were expired in '05

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mindful (?) Gift

What:   Posters
Origin:   I took a meditation course, and the organizers sent these out later.  
How long kept:   Probably 5 years.
Why kept:  Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   And Sticky.  
Usage:   Not at all...when I last looked at them, the cardstock was so nice I had craftastic ambitions.
Destination:  I made them into book covers.   I'm making advent-type calendar books for my 3 oldest nephews, based on the wonderful Mary Ann Moss' "Remains of the Day" journals.  

Confession:   These posters aren't really my "style" and were also too big for my home office.   (They were about 2 feet by 2 1/2 feet, and there were 3 of them.)  Might have been nice in my old cubically excellent office in corporate America.  

But all in all, a bit of an odd thing to receive.   (And it must have been odd to find an envelope to mail them in.)   I felt kind of badly about not enthusiastically appreciating them.

It's a bottleneck

It's a bottleneck
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: old 5 gallon water bottle
Last actively used: 6 months ago to fish out some change
Why kept: it was being used as a bank for silver coins only (no pennies) and it was out of sight taking up valuable real estate in my closet
Origin: I've had this for over 20 years
Destination: I took the change to what I thought was a free change counter. It was free if you took an e-certificate. I chose If I decided to go with cash. They would have. Charged 9.8%. I turned in ± $90 wooo hoooo just in time for holiday shopping online.  The bottle itself went to a friend that has a bigger home :-D