Monday, November 23, 2009

The Rules

So, the rules.   One thing a day.   It counts when it leaves the house.

We'll report on origin, how long we've had it, usage, where it is going, and why we've held onto it.

And on counting, there are some arbitrary rules:
  • If we pull 5 books off the bookshelf today, we can't bank 'em for 5 days.   That's one "thing".   Two shoes = one "thing".   Saucepan and lid = one "thing".   Get it?
  • Regular garbage and recycling don't count.   (But if we throw something out that has been taking up mental and closet space, it does count.)
  • "M" lives in the suburbs.   She has a monthly Amvets she's going to count something when she puts it in the box for the pickup.   I had better not do that.
  • Items that we freecycle or ebay only count when they leave the house.
  • As "M" says, if we give it to our mom, it doesn't count.   (We'll get it back some day.)
We'll post photos here and on our Flickr group.   Join our Flickr group!


  1. i love that you know us all so well. 2 shoes = 1 thing. yes, in my case you did have to say it.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Yeah, I needed to say it for me, too.

    Lisa's kindred blog is Glad you dropped by. Thank you!

  3. I have a couple of friends who live in a tiny flat; they say if they buy something, they have to get rid of one thing in its place. it's how they travel lightly

  4. Anon, that's an awesome rule.

    I imagine that it causes your friends to think about whether they even want to bring something in...that's one of the results I've found from almost a year of this project. I think about things like:
    . Where will I put it?
    . How often will I use it?
    . Do I have something else that has the same function?
    . What will it take to maintain it?

    Thanks so much for this thought, and for stopping in at our blog!

