Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Twisted, Sister

Twisted, Sister
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Twist ties.
Origin: Purchased along with electronica, I believe.
How long kept: Aaargh.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. Out of Sight, Out of Mind. See confession.
Usage: Nope.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: I made a foray into my tool box for an awl. Pretty sure that there's one in there, somewhere. Thankfully, my toolbox is about the size of two shoeboxes. It is a motherlode of blog items, a special case of the Storage Box. Storage Boxes are Evil.

Stay tuned for other inane items I've been hanging onto because, face it, baby: I Might Need Them.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lie La Lie

Lie La Lie
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A Good Box.
Origin: Actually, "S."
How long kept: A bit over 2 years.
Why kept: It's Perfectly Good! I Might Need It! It Might Be Useful!
Usage: Other than its original use, when "S" sent me a box of books, it has gone back and forth between NY and Chicago at least 3 round trips, via US Mail.
Destination: Chicagoland, to my sis-in-law and brother, or more specifically their oldest kids, with my crafty advent calendar books inside.

Confession: I was sad to see it go. Sticky.

Bonus: There's a nice empty space on my closet shelf.

Bye, buh, bye.

Fenugreek & Catching up

Fenugreek & Catching up
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: fenugreek. It's a herb in a capsule
How long kept: I got this 2 for 1 this past summer. This is the second bottle. Unopened
Why kept: I might need it
Destination. My lactating friend @ work. She's just back from maternity leave.
I'm going to spend some time catching up today with my items. These items have already been removed from my home but not "blogged". The holidays are a busy time :). I'll be back dating my other posts. So please go back and check them out :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tag, I'm Not It

Tag, I'm Not It
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Name tags from conferences.
Origin: Ack. They keep turning up.
Usage: Strictly one-time.
How long kept: Hard to say. Some probably 5 years.
Why kept: Inertia. I might remember to repatriate them at the next conference, and thus They Might Be Useful.
Destination: Used! They're now parts of the advent-y calendars made this weekend. They're off in the mail tomorrow.

Confession: I try not to take these badges any more. With mixed
success...I brought one home last month. Sigh.

Where does this hide - part II

What: more expired Rx and OTC drugs
Why kept: it might be useful
Where found: I was looking for our wine glasses. We used to have 1 million of them. Instead I found all this in one of our kitchen cabinets
Destination: my local health department for disposal
How long kept: some were expired in '05

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mindful (?) Gift

What:   Posters
Origin:   I took a meditation course, and the organizers sent these out later.  
How long kept:   Probably 5 years.
Why kept:  Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   And Sticky.  
Usage:   Not at all...when I last looked at them, the cardstock was so nice I had craftastic ambitions.
Destination:  I made them into book covers.   I'm making advent-type calendar books for my 3 oldest nephews, based on the wonderful Mary Ann Moss' "Remains of the Day" journals.  

Confession:   These posters aren't really my "style" and were also too big for my home office.   (They were about 2 feet by 2 1/2 feet, and there were 3 of them.)  Might have been nice in my old cubically excellent office in corporate America.  

But all in all, a bit of an odd thing to receive.   (And it must have been odd to find an envelope to mail them in.)   I felt kind of badly about not enthusiastically appreciating them.

It's a bottleneck

It's a bottleneck
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: old 5 gallon water bottle
Last actively used: 6 months ago to fish out some change
Why kept: it was being used as a bank for silver coins only (no pennies) and it was out of sight taking up valuable real estate in my closet
Origin: I've had this for over 20 years
Destination: I took the change to what I thought was a free change counter. It was free if you took an e-certificate. I chose amazon.com. If I decided to go with cash. They would have. Charged 9.8%. I turned in ± $90 wooo hoooo just in time for holiday shopping online.  The bottle itself went to a friend that has a bigger home :-D

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tudoring My Own Horn (Not)

What:  DVDs, Seasons 1-3 of the Tudors
Origin:   A friend really wanted me to watch them.
How long kept:   Maybe 4 months?
Usage:  Not at all.
Why kept:  Should Have Said "No"
Destination:  Return to Lender.

Confession:   My East Coast family, the family of my college roommate, has been so great to me.   Many (or all?) of the sisters love this series.   I returned it when I went over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Last year, we were hanging out and watched the episode where Henry VIII's second wife is executed.   As a dweeby teenager, I fantasized that I was the reincarnation of Anne Boleyn.   I have no idea where that thought came from, but I loved that tragic story.   I found watching this episode very disturbing!   And didn't want to watch the rest.   I know how it all ends.

(Maybe it was bad enough the first time around!)

Confession, part deux:   I've been trying to post at night, instead of the mornings, just to work better with my work routine.   But aargh, this is the 3rd time I've forgotten to do it.   I've got to figure this out.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jumpin' Juniper

Jumpin' Juniper
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A sample sized juniper bath gel.
Origin: Think it came in a little kit.
How long kept: Probably longer than I want to admit. It is a "this century" purchase.
Why kept: I Might Need It! It's Perfectly Good. And Out Of Sight, Out of Mind...more from the annals of the medicine cabinets.
Destination: I'm going to use it today, before I head out for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that I've gotten rid of more than 365 things in the past year. Laughed, a lot.

And realized the power of "stuff" I'm holding onto...to hold onto me. Until I let go.

How many of the the "blogged" items do I miss? At all? 0


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This Cup Runneth Away...to Recycling

What:  Plastic measuring cup from a 300 ounce container of Tide.   It's also an unnecessary cap to the container's faucet.
Origin:  Thrift and laziness.
Usage:  Never!   I keep a small nalgene bottle that I use to carry detergent to the laundry room.
How Long Kept:  Since July, 2004.  (How do I know the date?   I have a Sharpie, and I know how to use it.  For some reason I marked the Tide container.)
Why kept:  It Might Be Useful.   And Out of Sight, Out of Mind, in a cabinet.   I Might Need It for mixing paint in my crafty life.
Destination:  Recycling.

Confession:  The 300 ounce Tide container way predates this project, fruits of a suburban shopping trip.   It's been great to not be schlepping detergent home from the market.  Since you barely need an ounce of detergent in the low water washer, this thing has lasted forever.

A+ on thrift.   (I don't even think this cost $15.)   But the darn thing is huge!    I could sublet the space it takes up.   It's almost gone.

Confession, cont:   The cup, too.   Seriously, I took this out as a blogging candidate, and then put it back.   Thinking, "WTH are you thinking!" I got it the heck out of here.

Confession, part trois:  Once again, back dating!   I'm still committed, but busy working on another project...I fell asleep on my sofa watching Casablanca.

(Kind of a chilling at this time, actually, given my personal feeling that our country is blogging our 4th amendment rights...)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Too Tart

What:  Tiny little tart pans.
Origin:  Beverage experiment.
How long kept:  Maybe 6 months.
Why kept:  Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   And a bit of They Might Be Useful.
Usage:  A little bit.
Destination:  Recycling.

Confession:   Bought a few of these at Bed, Bath, Beyond in an experiment in making tiny little ice cubes -- remember the old fashioned aluminum ice trays.  It worked.   These little guys rusted.  Uh, WTH are they made of?   Not sure that I actually trust that these are safe for food...

Confession part deux:  I had these lined up to to out to recycling...and fell asleep on my sofa.    After getting in bed, I thought, I forgot to blog!   However, I did not get out of bed.  This post is backdated...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sock It To Me, Sock It To Me, Sock It To Me...

What: Worn out socks.
Origin: Requirement for foot covering.
How long kept: Several years.
Usage: Yep.
Why kept: Perfectly Good!
Destination: Textile Recycling.

Confession: I didn't even consider saving these for the sock puppet collection...we've got plenty of socks and plenty of puppets in our family! (And there are always new old socks in the pipeline.)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Full circle

Full circle
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
A year ago it all start with a bottle!
What: the Hubby's bottle with broken top
Why kept: might get a new top for it
How long: it broken about 6 month ago
Origin: it was a gift for a birthday or Father's day several years ago

We've had a great run on this. I have items on my camera, but I can't remember which have been blogged. Happy bloggiversary!!!

This One's Booking

This One's Booking
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Worthy Book.
Origin: A friend wanted me to read it.
How long kept: About 4 years. See confession.
Why kept: See Confession.
Destination: Return to Lender.

Confession: Should Have Said No. I'm sure it's a great book, but not on topic for my business reading.

Confession, cont: In my defense, my friend and her husband moved to the UK for work about 3 years ago. Any attempt for me to repatriate this one, so to speak, would have been both difficult and inconvenient for her. She didn't need to carry it back there, nor did she need to store a book she had already read.

She and her husband moved back last month, and are settled. It's on its way out, as I'm seeing them today!

I'm sure it's a great book and worth reading. On the day I decide to do this, I'll get it out of the library.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Later Tomata

Later Tomata
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Can of tomatoes.
Origin: Ambition to make one of my signature dishes, a chickpea
masala-y concoction.
How long kept: 6 months? They don't expire until 2012.
Why kept: I might cook something with them, and thus They Might Be Useful.
Destination: City Harvest, via an extremely incorrect display in the
lobby of my building.

(A teepee? Seriously?)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Repellent Reprise

Repellent Reprise
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:   Crunchy-ish citronella based bug goo.
Origin:  Hiking/camping trip.
How long kept:  I would guess minimum 7 years.
Usage:   Not in a while.
Why kept:  It Might Be Useful.   I Might Need It.   And (double) Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination:   Trash.   There's no recycling mark on the container.

Confession:  I believe that I took this out of my pack when I went iceclimbing last January.  (Storage Boxes Are Evil: yes, my backpack serves as a sort of storage box.)   For some reason, at the time it made sense to me to store this, doubleziploc bags and all, in my medicine cabinet behind a box of bandaids, rather than tossing it at the time. 


Looking at it today, I had to note that it wasn't all that earthy -- it's main contents were sodium lauryl sulfate...something I wouldn't have thought to look for back in the day when I didn't know what "greenwashing" was.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shirting The Issue

Shirting The Issue
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Yoga shirt (top layer).
Origin: Modesty.
How long kept: About 3 years.
Why kept: Until recently, it was Perfectly Good.
Usage: Weekly.
Destination: Textile recycling.

Confession: I loved this top, and tried to avoid releasing it: I
took this out of the recycling pile once before, when it only had a
tiny little hole. Now that it has several more, plus an odd stain, and
it's wearing thin...off to retirement land.

Charmed, I'm sure

Charmed, I'm sure
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: wine charms
Why kept: I might need them and out of sight
How long: I think about 5-6 years
Destination: door prize at a wine and gold party. I gave it to my friend who sold the most gold to the gold buyer who came to my house. I dropped @ her house on Tuesday :) She sold $90 worth of unwanted jewelry.

Confession: I have a pair of earrings that a very rarely wear. I wear the earrings The Hubby bought me. They are my favorite. However I really like these other earrings so I couldn't let them go for $26 even though I bought them at a garage sale 10 years ago or so

I'm thinking about asking my friend if they want to do a clothing swap... More on that after the New Year... We are so close to our anniversary. As "A" and I say... I'm hurling!!

Shoes and rags

Shoes and rags
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: shoes and rags
How long kept: some in this bag since the summer some of the rags were towels that are 20 years old and socks that are 15 years old.
Why kept: ugh, the bag was hanging on the over burdened coat rack and was hidden
Destination: the for-profit bin at a local gas station. I think it's called USAgain. It's my second load there. I'm at the point where I don't care if they make a buck (well, probably much less than that) on what I donate. I just want it not to end up in a landfill!! Note to self: call the Goodwill store to see if they do textile recycling

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A teensy amount of pomade.
Origin: Hairdo goodness.
Usage: Quite a bit, until I stopped using this.
How long kept: Since summer.
Why kept: I might start using it again: I Might Need It. And, Out of
Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Hairgel, down the drain. Container, #5 recycling via

Pregnancy woes

Pregnancy woes
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: extra fiber
Last used: last year
Why kept: might need it, out of sight
Destination: the contents - garbage. The container has been recycled

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tubular. (Totally.)

Tubular. (Totally.)
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Skin cream.
Origin: Trip to the dermatologist.
How long kept: Summer 2008.
Why kept: I Might Need It. And, Out Of Sight Out of Mind.
Destination: Trash.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Return to lender

Return to lender
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: borrowed book (not read--I'll have to borrow it another time) some empty TP rolls and old batteries
Last used: the book -- never, the TP rolls are recent, and the batteries various
Why kept: might read it, "Q" needs them to make binocular for a kindergarten art class and saved for recycling
Destination: "Q"s house and the bank that has a recycling center.

Yay me. I believe "Q"s mom wanted to read the book so I didn't want to hold on to it as I don't know when I'll read next. I'm in the middle of H is for Homicide. I haven't picked it up in weeks. Sigh!!

Quick Pick

Quick Pick
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Pre-loaded plastic fantastic toothpick-thingies.
Origin: Travel swag.
How long kept: Probably 10 years.
Why kept: They're Perfectly Good. They Might Be Useful. Out Of Sight, Out of Mind (medicine cabinet bounty).
Destination: Trash.

Confession: I did try to use one of these today It was too large for
my mouth.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pour A Little Sugar On Me...

What: Plastic container.
Origin: Bulk sugar purchases.
How long kept: 5+ years.
Usage: Yes, refilled at least twice.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. It's Perfectly Good. And a little bit
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind.
Destination: Recycling. My newest batch of sugar is in a glass
jar. Plastic, be as out of my life as much and as soon as possible.

Misc flotsam

Misc flotsam
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
I unearthed this from a shelving unit. It has various good crafting intentions gone bad. Some have been kicked around for a few years. Other items just a few weeks or months. The Cars Lightning McQueen was a crafting intention using a Cricut that my friend owns. I purchased the cartridge and attempted to make Lightning McQueen. It was SO tedious, I just left the cartridge with her appliance. I can use it anytime and it's not in my house :-D That was from last December.  All of this will go to recycle, trash and one thing is return to lender, back to mom. They are safety pins used last summer at a garage sale. UGH

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Flashing Forward

Flashing Foreward
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Tiny LED flashlight.
Origin: Gift from a fellow camper on a big hiking trip.
Hiw long kept: Since 1999 or 2000 Usage: Not since a trip to a
retreat/yoga training in 2004?
Why Kept: Mostly Out if Sight, Out of Mind. It also Might Be Useful.
Destination: Gifted to my nephew, The Boy.

Confession: I did get "M"'s permission to give this to The Boy. Not
sure that I trust that it won't get shined inappropriately at the Kid.



Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What a t-shirt with a good friend's kids photo on it
Why kept: sticky and out of sight
How long: 5-10 years
Last used: unknown
I removed the photo and kept it. This is going in the rag bag for textile recycling

Friday, November 12, 2010

Shelfless Service

Yoga Don't
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:  A favorite yoga top.
Origin:  Desire to keep movement in my chestal area down to a dull roar while saluting the sun.
How long kept:   Probably 9 years?   Maybe 8.
Why kept:   It's cute.   Nostalgia.   Sticky.   It's Perfectly Good, only it's not.   See confession.
Usage:  Frequently, until fairly recently.   (I don't maintain a vast yoga wardrobe.)
Destination:  Textile recycling.

Confession:   The upside, so to speak, of a good yoga top:   its inner shelf bra.   (There's a joke in here somewhere using the word "rack" -- shelf, rack, get it? -- but I just can't do it...at least not while maintaining my feminist self image.   I have to draw the line somewhere.)

But I digress.   The shelf bra had lost all elasticity; there was a near accident the last time I tried handstand in this top -- thankfully layered under a longsleeved, if dangerously v-neck,  t-shirt.  

(Thing is, the outer shell may be Kevlar, it's that bullet-proof.   No pilling, no stretching!   Looks as good as new.   Part of what made it so hard to say goodbye...)

Yar Matey

Yar Matey
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: a treasure chest cake. The Boy made it in a class
How long kept: 2 weeks.
Why kept: sticky. The Boy had fun making it. It was really cute and tasty. They started it w/ a pound cake
Destination: garbage

I feel lighter now

I feel lighter now
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: old weight watchers weight trackers and an old handout
How long kept: 2007 & 2008. The handout was more recent.
Why: sticky. Out of sight
Destination: recycle. This was only a small part of a paper purge.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I thought I got it all

I thought I got it all
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
Argh!! More maternity shirts!
Why kept: I loved them, I might wear them again but they don't fit. Out of sight
How long kept: 5 years and 1 year. But in between pregnancies I did share the pink one. The blue one was new last year
Destination: to a pregnant lady @ work

Early Bloggiversary Celebration

Early Bloggiversary Gift
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:  Shhh.   It's a secret.
Origin:  Classified.
How long kept:   Long enough.
Why kept:  I Might Need It.  Mostly, Sticky.
Destination:  Another member of the bloggin' sisterhood, via USPS.  

Confession:   I can't provide the identity of this item, otherwise the surprise will be ruined.   Suffice it to say, I'm not cheating.

Confession, part deux:  There was no mail today, in observance of Veteran's Day.   So it will actually be on its way tomorrow.

We are coming close to our one year anniversary...thanks to our bloggers and all 9-10 of our readers!

Return to lender

Return to lender
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: a borrowed kids book about having a baby
How long kept: yikers, over a year
Last used: last year just before the baby was born.
Why: it was lost :( I felt horrible since it was borrowed. Then I forgot about it. Then moving some furniture around it was found!! Yay. Returned to "Q"!

Thanks "Q". We loved this book

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Soy Ya Later!
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:  Vintage soy flour, less than 2 cups.
Origin:  Adventures in vegan baking.
Usage:   Yes, but not in a very, very long time.
How long kept:   Oh, it's possible that this was purchased in the last century.
Why kept:  Mostly Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   And also the buried, but still active, belief from my family of origin:  dry goods last forever, they are always Perfectly Good.
Destination:  Community compost.

Confession:   In my more orthodox vegan days (now I'm reform), I used to make these tasty "triple soy" cookies.   Soy milk, soy flour and supposedly soy nut butter...but I usually substituted peanut butter.   Last time I made them?   Probably 2002.

Confession, part deux:  I sniffed this before dispatching it to the compost.   I was checking to see if it smelled Perfectly Good.   It actually did...but I couldn't bring myself to imagine using it. (Especially since I have no desire to make this cookie at any time in the foreseeable future.)

Soy ya later!

(Aargh, I'm not really funny, am I?)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mulder, It's Me

Mulder, It's Me
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:  Extremely long, old but not vintage in a good way raincoat.
Origin:   Styling corporate look of the late 90s.
Usage:  Into the early 00s.
How long kept:   Since 1998?  99?
Why kept:   Outerwear:  It Might Be Useful.   I Might Need It.
Destination:  Housing Works.

Confession:  I was watching some of my DVDs from Season One of X-Files.  I was a huge fan, and happen to know that Gillian Anderson (Scully) was actually pregnant for part of the season:  they had her wear a gigantic raincoat to hide this.   I thought of my raincoat.

Tried it on.   Other than the fact that it swept my ankles (a little bit Goth), the shoulders were silly big (a little bit ridiculous).  I did get compliments on this coat into the early 00s, but in today's mirror I couldn't see it. 

There was no upside to thinking that I might have it tailored, it would be too involved.  And I have another raincoat I can wear for corporate life.

Confession, part deux:  That is a photo of the coat hanging on the back of my bathroom door.   The coat was so long that I couldn't fit the whole thing in.   I thought that the photo turned out, and can't take another:  it's gone!

It looks like an extraterrestrial's raincoat.

Empty, broken and/or unnecessary

What: empty box from glucose meter, broken hot wheels holder and little feet for the Wii balance board
Why kept: might need it, out of sight
Last used: the glucose meter box was last summer, the Wii feet was last winter.... I need to get back on that balance board and away from Farmville :)
Destination: recycle

Monday, November 8, 2010


Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Almost the last of my plasticware.
Origin: Desire to incubate science experiments in my fridge.
How long kept: Oh, I'm guessing since the early 90s.
Why kept: They're Perfectly Good! They Might Be Useful.
Usage: Not in a while, even on the science fair front.
Destination: Housing Works.

Confession: Contemplating this post since pulling them out if the
cabinet a day ago, I thought, more than once, that I Might Need Them
for storing craft stuff.


Confession, part deux: I was under the weather today. (And oh what
weather it was!). They're still here. They're on the table next to my
front door, and HW is on the way back from my breakfast appointment

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A bit of dicey weather

A bit of dicey weather
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: weather station (broken) we actually put the "outdoor" sensor in the Boy's room. It gets chilly in his room in the winter. We've solved that with an EcoSpace heater (link to follow). It uses only 400 watts. Compare that with a conventional space heater that uses 1000 - 1500
How long kept in it's broken state: about 2 years
Why kept: it still works even if it is floppy
Destination: trash. I know I should have saved this for a recycling event but I really wanted it gone!
Confession: we have another one that just needs new batteries

The return of bye bye baby

What: more outgrown baby gear including a snap and go stroller, two car bases, a infant car seat and two bags of clothes
How long kept: some are as old as 5 years
Last used: the car seat was used up to two weeks ago. We haven't used the stroller in a probably a month or two. The clothes vary
Destination: my girlfriend is having a baby VERY soon. She was happy to get the stuff and we were ecstatic to get give it to her!!! Now if the baby cooperates and comes well before Thanksgiving (meaning this week) that would ROCK!!

At The End Of My Soap

At The End Of My Soap
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Two slivers of soap.
Origin: Good hygiene.
Usage: Yep.
How long kept: See confession.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. I'm Might Need It.
Destination: Landfill.

Confession: I usually try to smash these into the new soap bar. I
recently read an article, can't remember where. Can't remember anything from the article, except that the author's dad saved these soap ends in a giant soap ball that the family expects to find in one of the father's closets after he dies. (Thankfully he's still with them, and long may he run...)

I'm done! No more soap slivers.

Confession: I did wonder whether these could be composted.  Irrationally.

Digression: Shouldn't soap slivers have a slang name, like "old maids"?

Maybe this should be the topic of our first contest!

Hmmm, what to offer as a prize...what do you think, oh 8-9 readers and fellow bloggers?

Scraps and rags

Scraps and rags
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: bows and tissue paper (not shown) from birthday part gifts
Why kept: haven't had time to deal with them. Out of sight in plain sight argh
How long kept: 2 weeks
Destination: the bows are fleece so they will be going in the rag bag and the other miscellany will go in the trash or recycle

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Son Of Fleece

What:  Another fleece.
Origin:  My dad lent this to me, probably for a trip back from Chicagoland.  (It can be flippin' cold on the plane!)  
How long kept:  5-6 years?
Why kept/Usage:  I wore it from time to time.   It Might Be Useful.   It reminded me of my dad.  Nostalgia, the good kind.
Destination:  Return to Lender.   It's en route back to Chicagoland and Dad's stash of outerwear.

Confession:   This is huge on me!   I used to have the habit of wearing gigantic things...it started in the Flashdance era.   But some time in the 90s I realized that clothes that actually fit me are far more flattering.

Confession, part deux:   My dad did tell me that I could keep it.   But I don't need it, I have two other fleeces, and many other things to remind me of Dad.

NB:  This is not going to Mom, and thus does not violate either the letter or spirit of the Rules.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Speedout of My House

What:  A shell I used to wear running.
Origin:   Desire for a pocket, and to stay dry-ish while running.
How long kept:  Uh, I think since 1995.
Why kept:  It's Outerwear -- Someone Might Need It.  (After all, it's Perfectly Good.)  Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   And oddly Sticky.  See confession.
Usage:   Oh, not in a good long while.   My last race was the Philly half-marathon in 1996.
Destination:  Housing Works

Confession:   When I looked at this again today, I actually had  an almost physical pang of attachment as I held it on its hanger.   I realized it was Sticky.

It wasn't until after it was gone that I remembered wearing it in the half-marathon.   Nostalgia, the good kind.

(Addendum, November 8.   When I re-read this last night, I actually had a memory of buying this, at the Speedo store that used to be in the World Trade Center...also Nostalgia, the bittersweet kind.)

Got Maternity Clothes?

Got Maternity Clothes?
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: particularly sticky maternity clothes (especially the pants)
Why kept: I was wearing the pants and I thought I'd wear the tanks but they are too long. The Got Milk shirt is too small. The pants are particularly sticky. See below
Origin: the pants and Got Milk? Shirt were from The Boy and the tanks were from the Kid
Destination: Amvets pickup

Confession: I still have two camisoles that I wear regularly that are said to be maternity. They are comfy :). The cargo maternity pants have been through a lot with me. Two pregnancies and the losing of the baby weight of both pregnancies. I would wear them once a week @ weigh-in at Weight Watchers. (I'm lifetime and I reached goal 3 months after The Kid was born -- thanks to all I learned about nutrition when I had Gestational Diabetes). The pants are light weight and extremely comfortable. I haven't worn them in several months. I *heart* them, but it's time to let them go...

Bye bye. Sniff.

More bye bye baby

More bye bye baby
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: baby tub (also in the tub will be a changing pad, a pair of jammies and a coupla shirts)
Last used: 6 months ago (various)
Why kept: hmmm dunno. We've been tripping over this for some time! (Out of sight)
Destination: Amvets pick up Friday

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Walk Between The Raindrops

What:  Swag umbrella, which I found in my closet this rainy NYC day, and used.   Ack, it was a piece of not very good umbrella.
How long kept:  Since fall, 2009.
Why kept:  Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   I didn't even know I had this.
Usage and Destination, see below:

My (putatively, see confession) successful Freecycle post follows:
Logo Umbrella (Lower Manhattan)
Umbrella from a conference, used once. Maroon and white, with a case, wooden handle, folds small enough to fit into a tote or large purse. Bears a logo from a university alumnae organization.

It's still in fine shape.  Despite its Ivy League provenance, it is not a "fine"umbrella and its life expectancy is dependent on the severity of the weather.

Pick up at your convenience from 24 X 7 building near (my particular) subway stops. Please be willing to communicate via email, first preference to the person who will pick up on Friday.

And please, be willing to pick it up when you say you will...
Posted at 6:45 pm, after which I hopped in the shower.  By the time I emerged, I had two responses, and now (8:10) one confirmed pickup for tomorrow.   (One response was from the person who blew the pickup on the last Freecycle item I posted.   Uh, I don't think so.)

Confession:  Since I have showered and am in big T-shirt and leggings, I won't be taking it down to be held for pickup until tomorrow morning.   But it's in a bag hanging on my doorknob.   I'm counting it as gone.

If this person doesn't blow the pickup, it may be the most successful Freecycling experience ever.

Bye bye baby

Bye bye baby
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: various baby cereals
Last used: a few weeks ago when The Kid had an upset tummy.
Why kept: we might need it and a little out of sight
Destination: to the Kid's daycare provider. She can use it with one of her younger charges :)

I won't be playing your reindeer games!

What: broken reindeer decoration (hand made by me and Mom)
Why kept: it was made by us and I might fix it. Nostalgia--the good kind
Origin: we made about a million of these for a neighbor's shower in the late 80s
Destination: dang I tossed this, but it should have gone in for textile recycling oops. Too late. This was from yesterday

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


What:  Fleece top.
Origin:  Our family did a Christmas photo a couple of years back where we were all wearing the same fleece top.   (Is this a Protestant thing?   Seriously.   There was, thankfully, no plaid involved.)  
How long kept:  I think two years.
Why kept:  I Might Need It.  See confession.
Usage:  Sometimes.
Destination:  Housing Works.

Confession:   I have 3 other fleece tops, one which hiked in the Himalayas, Nostalgia.  These things are made from plastic bottles:  they'll never wear out.   I don't need 4.   (Also, this orange-y red?  Not flattering on me.)

Confession, part deux:  Before dispatching this, I had 3 conversations.   One, with my mom, to see if we'd ever be called on to wear these again, en masse.   Mom told me to ask "M."   Conversed with The Hubby when "M" was napping -- he told me to ask my mom and dad.   Finally, I texted "M." When she woke up, she told me something like, I had to keep it forever, "LOL."

(Note to family:   Next time we do a holiday photo, may I suggest black turtlenecks?)

Confession, cont:  At this late date, and we really have been at this almost a year, an aha moment.   Our family has an issue with Outerwear.   And in some seasons, this fleece would be Outerwear.   Between my parents and my generation, we must have a good walk-in closet filled with coats going back to the 1950s, possibly earlier.   (I can think of at least 2-3 coats of mine at my mom's house.   Get ready, Mom and Dad, to say good bye to them!)

Scarves, hats, gloves...the only way we part with 'em is to lose 'em. 

This is a family quirk, perhaps because of our Northern European DNA, some from places where it's only light a few hours during the winter days...I'm not sure it's worthy of a category.   It's a special case of I/Someone Might Need It.

Nonetheless, stay tuned for my outerwear as it heads "outer" my house...and at a time of year when local charities start requesting it.