Sunday, November 7, 2010

At The End Of My Soap

At The End Of My Soap
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Two slivers of soap.
Origin: Good hygiene.
Usage: Yep.
How long kept: See confession.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful. I'm Might Need It.
Destination: Landfill.

Confession: I usually try to smash these into the new soap bar. I
recently read an article, can't remember where. Can't remember anything from the article, except that the author's dad saved these soap ends in a giant soap ball that the family expects to find in one of the father's closets after he dies. (Thankfully he's still with them, and long may he run...)

I'm done! No more soap slivers.

Confession: I did wonder whether these could be composted.  Irrationally.

Digression: Shouldn't soap slivers have a slang name, like "old maids"?

Maybe this should be the topic of our first contest!

Hmmm, what to offer as a prize...what do you think, oh 8-9 readers and fellow bloggers?


  1. I have some items to blog, like wine charms (but they might be a gift for the Gold & Wine Party I'm having this weekend)

  2. PS. I mash my soap slivers into my next bar of soap successfully. I'm just working on using all soap I have in the house before buying more :-)

  3. The soap sliver mashing thing? I'm so over it.

    Confession: I found another soap sliver yesterday. I tossed it, without even a frisson of guilt.
