Monday, January 31, 2011

The art of recycling!

The art of recycling!
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: about a half a ream of artwork! The Boy and I went through it. It's hard for both of us to let go. But we did it!
Why kept: out of sight in a draw and sticky
how long kept: some about 2+ years
Destination: recycle

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Half in the bag

Half in the bag
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: one of those "as seen on TV" bags that you vacuum the air out for storing clothes.
Why kept: out of sight... Empty because they are not the most durable bags. They were good for about 1 season.
How long kept: about 6 months empty
Destination: it's second life is going to be a garbage bag. Then it will go into the garbage. At least we can repurpose it.

All washed up

All washed up
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: one baby towel -- well loved!
Why kept: ahhh many fond memories of bath nights and The Boy. It might be useful but we have so many others...
Last used: it's been awhile, it was on the bottom of the pile
Destination: textile recycling

I wish I could find a NFP textile recycler in Chicago but for now I will be glad it's not in a landfill!

Friday, January 28, 2011

It's a chopper, baby

It's a chopper, baby
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
This line from Pulp Fiction comes to mind when I see a helicopter or a chopper motorcycle
What: broken toy chopper
How long kept: broken -- about 6 months. I don't know where the other part is
Why kept: it's a beloved $1 toy.
Destination: trash

Watch for items coming soon from The Boy. He is doing the "Riley Challenges" from

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: shark confetti
Why? As a joke for a friend that is afraid of them. I think we put some on her desk @ work. I could have mailed them to her but... She doesn't need them either
How long kept: 3 years or so
Destination: they went to the free4 all

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rubber ducky.... You're (not) the one

What: two grungy duckies
Last used: a few baths ago
Why kept: aarrggghhh I just thought about going to save the princess duckie!! The Boy loves to play with that one and the pirate ducks! Argh. No .... Resist. Deeeep breath!!! Ok, I'm ok. Enough said?
Destination: trash

Well I haven't quite had a duck for duck exchange, but more ducks will succumb to the mildew monster. The others are okay.... Really :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Double trouble no more

Double trouble no more
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: a borrowed double stroller
How long kept: 2+ years and used once or twice
Why kept: out of sight in the garage
Destination: to a freecycler I met @ the free4all. She was very pregnant and hoping to find one. There wasn't one there and then remembered we had one. I immediately called my friend who lent it and she said pass it along! Then I called the Hubby and he said he can get it out. She headed to the house, the Hubby loaded it up and away it went!!! Woot! It was HUGE! Thanks Hubby for taking the photo!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another interesting item

Another interesting item
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
The free4all was our most successful one yet!! It was packed 90% of the time. I took home diapers, 3 pairs of pants for the Kid and 3 rubber duckies (to replace old ones -- look for that blog entry coming soon). Now we are off to textile recycling, grocery bag recycling and Goodwill drop off to be celebrated with lunch!!!!! YAY us!

Most interesting item so far

The stuff taking for the free4all

I hope not to bring anything home!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Puzzled for sure

Puzzled for sure
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
Well not really. I love a good puzzle! But I keep moving puzzle book around the house. It's too big to fit in my bookshelf
How long kept: well the copyright is 2003 so I'm betting that is pretty close
Why kept: see above and I might use it
Destination: free4all!!


What: misc. Toys
How long kept: some 5 plus years
Last used: long time
Destination free4all this weekend!!! Woooooo hoooo

We've been collecting these all week and we have more stuff leaving too. I've asked "Q" to help me be strong and not take ANYTHING home. I'll let. You know how that works out for me. LOL

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Which way do I go, which way do I go?

Straight into the free4all pile!!!
What: swag from a volunteer's reception. It's a compass
Last used: um, never. My scouting days are over
How long kept: 5 plus years
Why why why? It was pretty, it'd look nice on a desk or curio cabinet -- neither of which we have really
Destination: stated above -- the Free4All

Monday, January 17, 2011

Not down the drain

Not down the drain
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: full and practically full bottles of hair care products and bodywash
Why kept: I might use it
How long kept. The shampoo about a month. I couldn't skip a day shampooing my hair. The body was came with a fem. hygiene product. I have enough body wash products
Destination: free4all woooooo

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Time for change

Time for change
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: a little cash drawer with plastic coins
Last used: this part of the item, never. We use the paper money for rewards
How long kept: about a year
Destination: free4all next weekend

Friday, January 14, 2011

I can dig it

I can dig it
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: a borrowed book from preschool
How long kept: about a month
Why kept: practice. The Boy read this to the kids and parents during their winter program. He did EXCELLENT!!
Destination: back to school

Head em up, move em out

Head em up, move em out
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: rawhide bone for our pup
How long kept: since Xmas. It was a gift for our pup
Why kept: waiting to locate a dog that can eat it. The Wonderdog will eat it whole
Destination: a friend at work has a dog that can chew these

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

May the force be with you!

What shoe box from Star Wars shoes
Why kept: it's hard to get rid of anything with the Star Wars logo. Sticky
How long kept: since Christmas
Destination: recycle

Sunday, January 9, 2011

More for textile recycling

More for textile recycling
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: various ratty socks, rag, etc.
Why kept: they might be useful, I might need them
How long kept: I think some of the sock were 15 years old!
Destination: a for-profit drop box. I'd rather it be non-profit, but at least it's getting recycled

Friday, January 7, 2011

M(v)erry belated

M(v)erry belated
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
Ugh I am typing this a second time Boy, you'd think it was Mercury retrograde. Oh wait it was last week.
What: photos for family in FL and a gift for a new Texan
Why kept: too busy before the holidays to ship the larger items out
How long kept: just before Christmas for the photos and about 3 days for the gift
Destination: out of state!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


What: pattern for a vampire cape
Last used: (with mom's help) October of 2009
Why kept: might be useful and out of site @ Mom's house. It arrived at my house mid-year 2010
Destination: well, it was going to go to the Free4All this month; however, The Kid somehow got hold of it and had a ball :). It was worth the $5 for the cape for the Boy and then the subsequent fun of shredding it. Good times!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hand it over!

Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: well loved (but in good shape) hand me downs
Last used: some over 6 months ago
Why kept: I've been stock piling them for my friend that just had a baby. Some out of sight
Destination: I get to meet the baby tomorrow. We all kept getting sick over here so I couldn't go. I'm so excited to meet him and have lunch with my friend

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not a write-in candidate

Not a write-in candidate
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: old gel pens that don't work
Why kept: they sometimes work and I might need them
Last used; over a year.
Destination garbage

I *heart* pens and paper! It's hard to let go so let's add sticky too :)

Well after a break during the holidays, I'm getting back in the saddle!! Ah, I've missed my normal routine