Wednesday, November 3, 2010


What:  Fleece top.
Origin:  Our family did a Christmas photo a couple of years back where we were all wearing the same fleece top.   (Is this a Protestant thing?   Seriously.   There was, thankfully, no plaid involved.)  
How long kept:  I think two years.
Why kept:  I Might Need It.  See confession.
Usage:  Sometimes.
Destination:  Housing Works.

Confession:   I have 3 other fleece tops, one which hiked in the Himalayas, Nostalgia.  These things are made from plastic bottles:  they'll never wear out.   I don't need 4.   (Also, this orange-y red?  Not flattering on me.)

Confession, part deux:  Before dispatching this, I had 3 conversations.   One, with my mom, to see if we'd ever be called on to wear these again, en masse.   Mom told me to ask "M."   Conversed with The Hubby when "M" was napping -- he told me to ask my mom and dad.   Finally, I texted "M." When she woke up, she told me something like, I had to keep it forever, "LOL."

(Note to family:   Next time we do a holiday photo, may I suggest black turtlenecks?)

Confession, cont:  At this late date, and we really have been at this almost a year, an aha moment.   Our family has an issue with Outerwear.   And in some seasons, this fleece would be Outerwear.   Between my parents and my generation, we must have a good walk-in closet filled with coats going back to the 1950s, possibly earlier.   (I can think of at least 2-3 coats of mine at my mom's house.   Get ready, Mom and Dad, to say good bye to them!)

Scarves, hats, gloves...the only way we part with 'em is to lose 'em. 

This is a family quirk, perhaps because of our Northern European DNA, some from places where it's only light a few hours during the winter days...I'm not sure it's worthy of a category.   It's a special case of I/Someone Might Need It.

Nonetheless, stay tuned for my outerwear as it heads "outer" my house...and at a time of year when local charities start requesting it.

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