Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Makes Something "Vintage"?

What:   A brand new baby gap fleece shirt, 12-18 months.
Origin:   Newport Mall, 1996?  and then my front hall closet.
Last Used:   Never, although there used to be a small pinchy teddy bear in the box, which I believe I pulled out and gifted at some point.
Why kept:   The occasion for the original gift passed; I saw the child's dad the other day, and his son is now almost a teenager.   It lived on a top shelf in my closet, way above my line of sight, resurfacing during occasional purges.   (It Might Be Useful.)  With all of the nephews I have, you'da thunk I could have released this sooner.   But I never would have found it without this project!  (I Forgot That I Had It.)
Destination:  "M", for the Little Boy.

Confession:  This one's a twofer, because I'm mailing it an Amazon box I had in the closet.

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