Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleepless no more

Sleepless no more
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: book borrowed from Mom
How long kept: a long time
Why kept: hmmm lazy
destination: back to mom
I told a friend about it so I lent it to her. She returned it and it went
directly to mom's
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Holy bag of botles

Holy bag of botles
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: bag of milk storage bottles
Last used: 6 months was the last time I needed them, but I think my friend
gave these to me in this bag and I never needed to dip into this stash.
Origin: my friend. She'd have a baby and then I would get knocked up and
vice versa.
Destination: another lady at work that is currently lactating :)

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Well, now there are only 98 luftballoons

What : one mostly deflated red balloon
Origin: I think it was from The Kid's first hair cut last month.
Why kept: out of sight. I think we hid it and apparently forgot about it.
Destination: garbage and, no, I didn't inhale the remaining helium... I
thought about but decided against it. :)

Oddest item at the free4all

This past weekend we hosted another free4all. This optopus sculpture was the

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: yet ANOTHER maternity shirt. They hide everywhere
Why kept: great night shirt and out of sight.
Last used: probably about January of 2010! Argh
Destination: free for all this weekend
It's in the 50s in Chicagoland and I was looking for some sweats to wear. I
think I may have found the last of th maternity wear....again!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sock it to me

Sock it to me
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: socks the hubby doesn't wear anymore.
Why kept: he too has a hard time letting go of "useful" items, might wear again
Last used: probably last winter
Destination: AmVets pickup

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