Monday, April 19, 2010

Guest Post: Expired client list

Expired client list
Originally uploaded by heywattsky
"Printed labels for magazine clients and a notice of a move, several years old. The publishing world has turned upside down-inside out, and if a magazine even still exists, it's probably online only, with virtually no illustration and ditto to pay compensation. A sad state of affairs. Recycle defunct info as I recycle my (hopefully not defunct) talents into something marketable. Or you can label me: DOA. Down & out artist."

"S", personally, I'd label you "up and at 'em!"  Especially after viewing your beautiful workspace, below!   Wow.  


  1. Ha! I am on a roll here, in the office. Maybe I'll post my newly fengshui'ed desk area on flickr! I am so proud!

  2. Please do; we can add it to this post, if you'd like, too!

  3. It's up, and feel free :) My office nook is an open book.

  4. Woo, it turns out we can embed it as a slideshow. Your office looks amazing!

  5. I am impressed with your embedding knowledge! Well, just don't look off-camera! We're not completely "there" yet. But getting there!

  6. Great Job. Like "A" says, one breath at a time :)
