Saturday, April 3, 2010

Book 'em

Book 'em
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Recycled composition books. AND some fabric from my stash. 
Origin: B-school note-taking compulsion. The denim from our other sister, "K", who has given me old jeans for my crafty good purposes.
Usage: Not since February, 1995.

(We actually visited Hong Kong and China for an international course.  In addition to notes from the trip, this one had a list of everything I should bring with me that I apparently used when packed for the trip, including the previously blogged Discman.)
Why kept: I actually previously blogged a stack of composition books, some barely used, others full. The contents are/were (actual) fodder for my shredding predilection. I happened across an online tutorial to cover composition books via the blog of one of my favorite podcasts, Craftypod...and so I pulled the pages out of the barely used books to experiment with this method. They Might Be Useful.

(The top book in the photo is the "after"; the bottom one is "before".)

Destination: Gifts for my nephews. Rumor has it that two of them run around calling one another Batman and Spiderman, so I'll add some thematic embellishments. (This one, for The Boy to possibly experiment with his phonics -- or whatever he likes -- will go in the mail today after further surprise embellishment.)

Confession: I'm pretty sure that I should have ventilated my apartment a bit better before using the fusible web that adheres the fabric to the book.

Note to self: must cleanse in some way to counteract any toxic effects. (Question: wine contains alcohol, alcohol known for its (weak) disinfecting properties...cleansing? Hmmm.)

Bonus: Denim is bulky. This will definitely create some space in my stash!

More stash depleting posts will undoubtedly follow.

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