Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Screen Gems

What:  "Screeners" for a tv show I had casually mentioned as funny.
Origin:  Film industry friend who heard this utterance.
How long kept: 3-4 years?
Why kept:  They were small and flat, stored in the cabinet with my DVD player and discs, so mostly Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   But at some point, I figured I might watch them, and thus They Might Be Useful. 
Destination:  DVDs are in an area with some other stuff to send off to GreenDisc when I have enough for a box.  The envelopes, recycling.

Confession:   A screener is a DVD sent to film folk who vote for industry award winners, in this case the Emmys.   The industry has had problems with people pirating these discs, and they're traceable to the person who received them...and there are all kinds of admonishments that they're not supposed to be sold or given away.  

I wish I had known this before I took them from my friend.

Confession, part deux:  One of the envelopes was a cool pop up.   I thought for a moment about keeping it.

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