Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Race To The Bottom...Of My Pantry

What:  1 1/2 cups of organic brown basmati rice.
Origin:  Rice is nice.  Grazing is quicker.   Not as quick as liqour, but I can barely hold a beer...but I digress.
How long kept:   I don't know, but the Lundbergs -- no doubt a very nice Swedish American family from the midwest -- wouldn't lie.   It's supposed to expire in November of 2010.
Why kept:  I might make one of my 2 signature dishes.   It involves rice, thus It Might Be Useful.
Usage:  A bit.   See confession.
Destination:  I ate it.  (After cooking it.)

Confession:  This is a repurposed plastic jar, which once held a kilo of another brand of brown rice.   There's another 5-6 cups of rice in here.  I'll be racing to cook my way through the rest of it in the next couple of weeks.   (But I won't blog this again...no reruns around here!)

And the plastic jar?   It's toast.   I'll be trashing it, and continuing to repurpose glass jars that enter my life.

Confession, son of:  When I checked through my cabinets I also found some french lentils.   Aargh.   I just bought a pound of lentils the other week and made a tasty soup.   Now I have two containers of lentils, partly used.

Confession, cont:  Around here, these sorts of pantry staple aren't so so much of a staple.   They're usually bought on a "just in time" basis, then sit in my cabinet  Out Of Sight, Out of Mind.   Until I realize that I'll never use it.   Then there's an effort to find an appropriate destination -- usually successful.  Or a cabinet emergency or determination something has expired sends it to compost.   No more!   Starting right now.

Thank Heaven I don't actually have a pantry.   If my cabinet space weren't more limited...

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