Friday, November 5, 2010

Speedout of My House

What:  A shell I used to wear running.
Origin:   Desire for a pocket, and to stay dry-ish while running.
How long kept:  Uh, I think since 1995.
Why kept:  It's Outerwear -- Someone Might Need It.  (After all, it's Perfectly Good.)  Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   And oddly Sticky.  See confession.
Usage:   Oh, not in a good long while.   My last race was the Philly half-marathon in 1996.
Destination:  Housing Works

Confession:   When I looked at this again today, I actually had  an almost physical pang of attachment as I held it on its hanger.   I realized it was Sticky.

It wasn't until after it was gone that I remembered wearing it in the half-marathon.   Nostalgia, the good kind.

(Addendum, November 8.   When I re-read this last night, I actually had a memory of buying this, at the Speedo store that used to be in the World Trade Center...also Nostalgia, the bittersweet kind.)