Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This Cup Runneth Recycling

What:  Plastic measuring cup from a 300 ounce container of Tide.   It's also an unnecessary cap to the container's faucet.
Origin:  Thrift and laziness.
Usage:  Never!   I keep a small nalgene bottle that I use to carry detergent to the laundry room.
How Long Kept:  Since July, 2004.  (How do I know the date?   I have a Sharpie, and I know how to use it.  For some reason I marked the Tide container.)
Why kept:  It Might Be Useful.   And Out of Sight, Out of Mind, in a cabinet.   I Might Need It for mixing paint in my crafty life.
Destination:  Recycling.

Confession:  The 300 ounce Tide container way predates this project, fruits of a suburban shopping trip.   It's been great to not be schlepping detergent home from the market.  Since you barely need an ounce of detergent in the low water washer, this thing has lasted forever.

A+ on thrift.   (I don't even think this cost $15.)   But the darn thing is huge!    I could sublet the space it takes up.   It's almost gone.

Confession, cont:   The cup, too.   Seriously, I took this out as a blogging candidate, and then put it back.   Thinking, "WTH are you thinking!" I got it the heck out of here.

Confession, part trois:  Once again, back dating!   I'm still committed, but busy working on another project...I fell asleep on my sofa watching Casablanca.

(Kind of a chilling at this time, actually, given my personal feeling that our country is blogging our 4th amendment rights...)

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