Thursday, December 17, 2009

Breaking Up With Mark

Breaking Up With Mark
Originally uploaded by 365 Things

What: A poster of a beautiful Mark Rothko painting.
Origin: At some point, I decided I wanted more orange in my life. I saw a photo of this poster in a magazine, and ordered it from some online poster store.
Usage: Unless you count moving the rolled up poster around and keeping it from getting trashed in various storage spots as "usage", never.
How Long Kept: 2004? Maybe even '03.
Why Kept: It Might Be Useful. If I ever framed it and hung it up. Something about that felt a little too college-y...
Destination: Housing Works Thrift store.

Confession: It feels like cheating, it's so easy to bring stuff to Housing Works, now that they've opened a store in my hood. I do feel pressure to only bring them only good stuff. (No holey clothing...when that happens, that goes to the textile recycling folks at Union Square Greenmarket.) 
"M" says: It's out of the house, right? Several years ago, I gave away a Pub Door poster from our trip to Scotland. I loved the poster, but I moved it around so much. Some person was happy to get it on Freecycle.

"A":  way gone, took it to Housing Works when I ran out at lunchtime.   (I barely had a second to breathe today, but I still got rid of something.   Woot.)  (You gave away that Pub Door poster?  It was perfectly good!   Heh heh.)

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