What: Cheap soap dispenser (as promised.)
Origin: I believe I got this at Century 21, living the house beautification dream.
Usage: A bit, until it became a maintenance problem: it was rusting inside and out. (WTH is this actually made of? Definitely not pure aluminum.) I cleaned it off a couple of times before exiling it to the back reaches of a bathroom cabinet.
How long kept: (Scratches head) 2004? I haven't used it in several years.
Why kept: I might feel like cleaning it over and over again in some kind of special corner of home maintenance samsara. Then, It Might be Useful.
Destination: Pump portion, trash (it's mixed metal and plastic); container, recycling. (Hopefully whatever's making it rust won't harm the recycled metal stream.)
Confession: I think I have an identical soap pump. Somewhere. Aaaargh.
Bonus: This was our 100th post! Between "M", "S" and me, we're already starting out the New Year 100 things lighter! (It's a lot easier one day at a time, as other more enlightened minds have noticed.)
I hope that the other 4 people following along at home are similarly lightened and enlightened.
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