Saturday, December 26, 2009

Exceedingly Lazy Susan

What:   A lazy Susan
Origin:  Purchased from a big box store, probably in the early 90s.
Usage:  Used for easier changes in the viewing angle of a bulky TV.
How long kept:  I haven't used it since probably 2003, when I got rid of the bulky TV (the TV was from the early 80s -- it actually still had a great picture).   The lazy susan has been sitting in a basket on the floor of my closet with other electronic stuff I haven't been organized enough to shed responsibly.  (i.e. the monitor --  and stay tuned for other responsible e-waste disposal to come after the New Year.)
Why kept:   I don't know.   This one was sticky, I have made many trips to various places where I might donate it.   I Might Need It, I guess.
Destination:  Housing Works Thrift Store.

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