Friday, December 18, 2009

Monitoring My Closet Space

What:   Flat Screen Monitor
Origin:   Small business I used to run in lower Manhattan.   We closed in 2004, and had 2 desktops left over.
Usage:   After 2004, the computers and stuff sat in my clost.  At one point, my laptop died and I dragged one of the desktops out of the closet, used it for a bit or so until I got a new laptop. Last used in 2007?
How long kept:  Since 2004.
Why kept:   Might Need It.   More to the point, some of the data.  Almost a year ago, I went into the computer for the first time in quite some time, got what I needed and I tagged it with a date.   Figured I'd get rid of it at some point. 

Inertia was also an issue -- I had to wipe the data off the hard drive, and the stuff was OOSOOM in my closet (albeit taking up a lot of real estate).

In the end, it took me a year, plus about 40 minutes, to release this stuff.   (I'm not sure that I'll get to count the CPUs as a separate thing!   See The Rules.)   One year to procrastinate and imagine that I Might Need It, and 40 minutes to download software to wipe the hard drives, and actually do it.


Destination:   A guy from Brooklyn bought it from us via Ebay, and is coming to pick it up.   I'm counting it as gone because it's with the doorman and out of my apartment.   If the guy blows the pickup or payment, it's not coming back...I'm taking it to Housing Works.

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