Thursday, December 17, 2009

Recycling is the spice of life

Recycling is the spice of life
Originally uploaded by DeClutter

What: empty glass spice bottle
Origin: hmm not sure, but we've been moving this empty bottle around the kitchen for months
Why kept: I can fix it (get the gooey stuff from the label off) and it might be useful
Destination: recycle
Confession: we have plenty of other empty, non-gooey bottles that we can use. Buh bye!

"A" says:  a)  Last night, I washed an empty spice jar!  and b) I've been lamenting the stick-to-it-ivness of labels, which these days seem non-removable, even with lighter fluid and a blow torch.   It really cuts back on the ability to re-use a lot of things that are Perfectly Good....without blowing through an unsustainable amount of water and time, that is.   I wonder if The Steamer would be useful in label removal?


  1. I have some, but think of it as toxic and not food safe. (Not that I've researched it or anything...)

    Thanks for stopping in, "S"!

  2. PS itchy trigger finger on the "send" key -- is this stuff earthy and health friendly?

  3. 8 oz. lasts a lifetime, and my container says Biodegradable, 100% Organic, Citrus Based. (and I didnt think using it on the outside of a jar where the label is would affect food :)

  4. Ah! Interesting. OK, I'll try this next time. (After all, these jars -- They Are Perfectly Good!

    Have a great day, "S".

  5. We have some... somewhere. I let it go. I didn't need to "fix" it :-)
