Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Not Exactly Christmas Stockings

What:  Pair of new-looking grey outdoorsman/woman socks.
Origin:   Someone who knows that I'm the Queen Aunt of sock puppets.
How long kept:  Probably about 6 weeks.
Why kept:   I might make them into sock puppets.  (They might be useful.)
Destination:   I gave the grey socks to a homeless man at the corner of 77th and Lexington.   The patterned black socks went to a man I often see in my lower Manhattan neighborhood.

Confession:   These socks were perfectly good, the grey pair looked brand new, actually.   I got them, along with the patterned black/navy pair (left), either from "M" or a yoga friend.   When I pulled them out to look at them, thought they were too good to be made into a toy.   Having noted that they don't sell socks at thrift stores (this, after checking out the stores in NY, Chicagoland, and Northern Minnesota for candidate materials for sock puppets) I decided that these would have a higher use, and started carrying them with me.   When the nice man at 77th and Lex asked me if I would help him, I asked if the socks would be helpful.  He said that they would be, and accepted them.

Win win, I guess...to the extent that it is at all okay that we have people sitting on corners asking for help.  (These went on two different days:  one blisteringly cold day, the black pair went to my lower Manhattan neighbor who routinely sits outside of a Starbucks.  As I left the Starbucks, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald were singing "I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm."  Sigh.)

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