Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dry Goods, Gone

What:  Results of a cabinet purge.
Origin:  Various unrealized culinary ambitions.
How Long Kept:   Various.   (Two, count 'em, two, almost full containers of breadcrumbs.  I do label stuff when it goes into the cabinet, one of them was from 12/04.)
Why Kept:  Mostly Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Destination:   Tea and breadcrumbs, compost.   Oil and an exceedingly sedimented few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar created an unholy vinagrette down the drain (a baking soda and boiling water chaser saved the day there.)

Confession:  I saved the metal tin the tea came in.   (I see from the label on the bottom of the tin that I purchased it at a local coffee/tea shop that closed in the summer of 2001.   Aargh.)

Bonus:   I found 5 different types of vinegar in the back of the cabinet, all of more recent vintage.   (Who knew that there was such a thing as champagne vinegar, much less in my own cabinet!)

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