Thursday, December 10, 2009

Drop This!

Drop This
Originally uploaded by 365 Things

What: An unopened box of Dutch licorice. (AKA "drops"; get it? I'm
Origin: Netherlands
How long kept: 2007? Maybe 2006!
Why kept: I might need them? Seriously, out of sight out of mind.  Aaaargh!
Destination: Compost. I recycled the graphically interesting box.  

Confession: I opened them and ate a few to confirm that they were
completely stale, like toothbreakingly.  Sob, it's not easy to find this salty licorice in the US.  (Huh?)


  1. I still have candy from Japan circa 1989, and Nik-L-Nips on display in my kitchen. I used to have Italian licorice as part of my living room decor in Bklyn - called "Like" - with graphics of such sophistication & wit we can only dream of. Atta girl, for at least trying to ingest! Let me go wander off and see if my Pell Mell candy cigarettes still have any sugar shock.

  2. "S", next time I have graphically interesting, but inedible candy (hand-carried from Europe!) I'll definitely check in with you before dispassionately dispatching it!

    (In my defense, I did manage to ingest another entire box of these guys back in 'aught 6 shortly after that particular trip.)

  3. Thanks, "A"--I've been putting in requests for friends to bring me foreign gum, like my "Pedro" and "Brooklyn" brands of yore, only to get back American brands with foreign print on them. Globalization is killing local graphics, not to mention my souvenirs of choice. But maybe licorice manages to be just esoteric enough to escape the net of Nestle et al. Fingers...or "twizzlers" crossed...
