Monday, December 7, 2009

The Sound Of Two Hands Clapping

What: Meditation Clock (broken)

Origin: Retail shop at Jivamukti Yoga in, I believe, 2002

Usage: It worked for a few years...and then it didn't.

Why kept: It's a pretty wooden box housing a less-than-robust LCD unit -- I couldn't bear to toss the perfectly good wooden box. I contacted the manufacturer to see if they would recycle it, and they said that they would. (I Might Fix It; Then it Will Be Useful). Then, forgot that I had it. (Out of Sight Out of Mind.)

Destination: Back to the manufacturer.

Confession: If I recall correctly, I paid $108 for this clock, to replace an unpleasantly loud alarm clock that was stressing me out every morning. (This one had a pretty sounding gong.) When I found out that the company would "refurbish" the clock for $50, I was both heartened and annoyed. Glad that I didn't have to toss it. Annoyed that the people who market a flipping meditation clock don't hew to some kind of karmic mission to put something out into the world that's worthy of more than a 1 year warranty? (Or, per their website, a 10 year usable life...mine might have made it 5.)

Nope, not interested.  I have passed the place on the path to enlightenment where I think that a $100 meditation clock might help...may the beautiful wooden box benefit someone else (and all beings).

There's a "sound of one hand clapping" joke in here somewhere. I'm so over it I'm not even going to try and reach for that one.

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