Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho, Ho the Mistletoe...and Plenty of Packing Material

What:  Clean packing material
Origin:   Mail order, baby
How long kept:   Uh, vintage 2009?
Why Kept:  It Might Be Useful.
Destination:  Mail Boxes Etc.  Or are they now called the UPS store?   Whichever, they're glad to take recycled packing materials.

Confession:   I've actually thought that someone could make a green business out of collecting this sort of stuff from corporations and reselling it...but that wouldn't prompt me to save this stuff too long...

Confession, part deux:  I'm not really doing this on Christmas Day!   "M" and I agreed that we could bank posts for vacation time.   Now is one of those times!

And one more confession:   A week or so after I took these in to MBE, I found that I had a string of the air poufs in an otherwise empty box in the top of my closet.   Aaaargh!!!

A gentle reminder that a lot of the stuff under the tree came with things that legitimately "might be useful".

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