Monday, December 21, 2009

Extremely Secret Santa

What: Santa Photo Frame.
Origin: I have no flipping idea.
Usage: Never.
How long kept: Also no flipping idea. I'm thinking that I might have gotten this in a Secret Santa at work? Stocking stuffer?
Why kept: It Might Be Useful? Also, a thought that It Might Have Been A Gift From Mom. Also, Out of Sight, Out of Mind...found this in the box of Christmas stuff.
Destination: Housing Works Thrift Shop, along with a gigantor bag of Perfectly Good housewares.  (See below.)

Confession: In the housewares category, I found that I own an elegant pine rolling pin. This Would Have Been Useful a couple of months ago when I was experimenting with a very nice spelt focaccia flatbread.  Back then, I tried using a sterilized and then oiled wine bottle as a rolling pin...maybe it would have worked for Martha Stewart.   At any rate, now I know.

Confession part deux: I know that I said I wasn't leaving the house yesterday; because I was traveling today, it turned out that I had to go out for some last minute items...also, another project (don't ask) caused me to empty out a kitchen cabinet and recycle, toss, and generally get rid of (or find) lots of stuff.  (And, augmenting "The Rules",  "M" and I have agreed that we can prepost when we're going out of town.) 

So I had left the house with the aforementioned bag of housewares.   After picking my way across about a block of barely shoveled sidewalks, d'oh, I realized that this photo frame was back at home.   

At the dead drop, I snapped a photo of something else I was releasing, and went home and called "M".   She asked, what does the frame look like?   It might be useful for a Christmas photo of the boys!   (aaargh!)   

So I popped it into a box that I dropped at the PO at an unearthly hour this morning.   (Note to "M", this might not get here by Christmas day.  New destination:  "M"'s house.  (I'll make a note to report back on usage next Christmas.)

Happy holidays!

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