Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guest post Postcards From the Edge of my Refrigerator

You are going nucular on the blog and on the Queen!!!! Thanks "S" for the post. Sorry we almost missed this one. 

"All accumulated in the last couple years from friends here & abroad. I have been there, done some of that (except for a cappucino in Lucca, a mud pack in Iceland, and a facial steam at TMI. Wait--I DID do that. I come from Harrisburg!) Royal Carting/Recycling can now take away the Queen Mum and the company she's been keeping on my fridge. "


  1. Hah--the word "nucular" makes me go nuclear :) I imagine that was intended...or WAS it? (Don't mind me, I just got out of my writers group meeting. Nitpicking grammar and spelling is one of my fortes).

  2. It was indeed intentional :-) "A" and I joke about that!

  3. Heh heh, one of our favorite TV action heroes also says "nucular."
