Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shreddin' Through The Oldies

What: The 90s.  In a 66 quart storage box.
Origin: I lived it.
Usage:   Uh, does moving it storage and moving it back count as "usage"?
How long kept: Oldest thing shredded was from 1986 See confession.
Why kept: I Might Need It. Storage Boxes are Evil. Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Aaargh.
Destination: Recycling.

Happy Lunar New Year!

Confession: For a couple of years in the early 00s, I paid to store these tax, financial and other business records at a Manhattan Mini Store. Aargh.

Confession, cont: There was a lot of gnarly chi in that box. A couple of files from one of my early, great career roles...which was bailing out a failed project for the meanest, most humorless client corporation I have ever seen. Many many items from that job, including my letter of resignation and documentation of the legal imbroglio that ensued after I resigned. (I prevailed. Snap.)

And I kept on running across names of people I subsequently worked with who are no longer in my life -- in the final analysis (and I guess that a 4+ hour shred-a-thon qualifies as a final analysis) with good reason.

Bonus: I sometimes idealize the 90s as a kind of golden era. I now see, not so much!

Although many good things happened, and life was good, I left a lot of the not-so-good behind. (And lots of the physical evidence attaching me to it, literally or more ethereally, got shredded today!)

Extra bonus: If I've ever shared my GMAT score with you, I was probably wrong. Not that my friends and I talk GMATs all the time -- or ever -- but I've been grossly understating my score.

I freaking rocked the GMAT. In 1987.

(Confession: I saved the GMAT score report. Sticky.)

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