Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Maaake UUUP
What: concealer
Why kept: vanity, out of sight
Last used: a few months ago
How long kept: well past it's recommended useful life
Destination: trash
Confession: I bought one for a dollar on ELF's website
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Sim City
Origin: Extreme attachment.
How long kept: Since December 2007.
Usage: Not at all.
Why kept: I Might Need It.
Destination: The teeny pieces I snipped it into are now in the trash.
Confession: I found it in an envelope when sorting some files; I have no idea why I would have kept this. Because I could, I guess. Should Have Said "No."
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Guest Post: ewww...mold AND hepatitis!
This gets recycled, pronto."
Go, "S"!
Plastic Fantastic
Origin: Friends sent me home from a lovely lunch with enough amazing leftovers to feed me for two days.
Usage: Not at all. Unless storing other plastic containers counts as usage.
How long kept: About 6 weeks.
Why kept: It Might Be Useful.
Destination: It Was Useful! I made a major batch of hummus, more than enough to share with my friends. (So, it's kind of a Return To Lender situation, inadvertent since they never intended to see it again.)
Bonus: Still plenty of hummus left over for me!
Monday, June 28, 2010
What: Baby outfit (has lil puppy feet and says "I woof you"), new with tags. Gift basket with "relaxing" lotion, soap and body spray and some Yogi nursing support tea for the mom to be all in a gift bag I've had since the Boy was an infant
How long kept: most no more than 6-8 months with the exception of the gift bag that is going on 5 years
why kept: the Kid outgrew the outfit so fast! The tea I have plenty of and thought I'd share. And I think we've discussed that I no longer need to ever purchase soap for the next few years, thanks to my Bath and Body works stash. The gift bag was cute so it was sticky
Destination: in the car going to the baby shower on Sunday. Posted for Monday
Confession: I have SO many gift bags that I will probably never need to buy one. I gave probably about 30 of them away on freecycle a few years ago because there was NO way in heck I'd ever use them all. I've kept the cutest bags to reuse. Anywhoo the baby shower was.... great :) I have to think about planning one for my pregnant friend :)
PS the card even came from my Greeting Card Department... Money spent on this gift? I think I'm at $3 for the tea
Guest Post: Wilco away...
Ah, like the yoga tape. We all have the same stuff! Thanks, "S."
Mopping My Brow
Origin: Desire for clean floors.
How long kept/last used: Ooh, quite some time. See confession.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Trash.
Confession: I haven't used this mop in years. (A while back, I decided that the floor got cleaner with an old fashioned rag and elbow grease.) I've been moving it around in my closet, with the mop head wrapped in a plastic bag, for quite some time. (The hint that it's time for something to go, right?) Today, I noticed that the sponge was disintegrating in the bag.
Confession, part deux: If I were greener, I'd cut the sponge from the metal binding and take it for textile recycling (or composting). Sorry about that.
The rest of the mop's fate is TBD.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
"A" has been blogged
Last used: well this morning when I cleaned it up. Before that a while
Origin: I think she made it in 2005
Why kept: out of sight and it was a gift from "A"
Destination: garbage and I'll recycle the lotion container
I have no idea how this ended up on the floor. I've been thinking I should blog it because, 1) I don't use it (Sorry "A") and 2) it's pretty old. I guess this was the universe's way of saying "Let it goooooo!"
"A", I did use all the mint lotion and want to make more!
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Travel Ban
Origin: Various, see confession.
How long kept: The youngest item shown is 10 years old. See confession.
Usage: Not in this century.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind. And there's some Aargh in there, too.
Destination: Trash. Sadly, none of these items are made from the kinds of plastic we recycle in NYC.
Confession: This, along some other less photogenic stuff, is bounty from emptying out my bathroom linen cabinet. Some of these items were standard issue with cosmetic travel bags. One was purchased. None will be useful.
Finally there were two kits that United Airline used to give out on international business class flights. The last time I flew United Business was in May/June of 2000. Aargh.
(I kept the eyeshades. They Might Be Useful.)
On the plus side, I no longer have the kits I got on my last international business trip (2006?) I'd like to think I wouldn't take them, at this stage. They're never useful.
Clarification: I have cleaned that cabinet in the past 10 years! But not since starting this project.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Do you know the Muffin Man
Why kept: I might need it and out of sight. I found it in The Boy's room (huh?)
How long kept: several Christmases ago.
Destination: garbage
Confession: this isn't my favorite pattern. I don't think I'd regift it. Plus I have a ton left over from that garage sale (see past post, I'll try to link it)
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Clearly, I'm Blocking
Origin: Vanity.
How long kept: Hmmm. I'm guessing a couple of years, see confession.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind. (See confession.)
Destination: Trash.
Confession: I last tried this sunblock probably 3 years ago. I found it in a travel ziplock bag that had slid to the back corner of my bathroom linen cabinet. So it was Out of Sight, Out of MInd.
It's a pretty orderly cabinet, but clearly due to have everything removed and evaluated for blogging.
Aargh. So many posts about sunblock. Interesting. "M", is it possible that all of our extraneous sunblock is finally gone from our respective households? (I notice that up in Beacon, "S" has only had to release one bottle; clearly she's a more mindful consumer of sun protection products.)
And I can answer my own prior question in the negative, as I know that there are bottles of sunblock at a lake house that must be released.
I've learned the lesson with food items: the "extra savings" I get from buying a gigantor bottle of canola oil evaporate into the ether when I can't use it all before it goes bad. Clearly, the same is true of beauty products. Sigh.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The END (I hope)
Why kept: I might wear the shirt. It could pass as a regular shirt. But *i'd* know it was maternity. It is a little sticky too. The dress was out of sight out of mind
Last used: getting closer and closer to a year ago
Destination: my knocked up friend
I loved that shirt and it was a little hard to let go. But it will have a good home :). This was harder to let go that the cute Thanksgiving outfit!
I do truly believe that I have completely gotten rid of all maternity wear!! If I find more, it will be an "argh"!!
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Just In Case
Origin: I'm pretty sure that this was one of many swag-type items sent to me by the Leggs-Hanes Catalogue.
How long kept: Uh, that would have been in the late 80s or early 90s.
Why kept: See confession.
Destination: Textile recycling. (They take shoes, so this should qualify. I think it is actually leather.)
Confession: Anyone remember the Leggs-Hanes catalogue? (
This one was Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Way out.
Related musing: Pauvre Pierre Cardin. His oh-so-stylish clothes led to licensing agreements that put his name on anything. This cheesy case actually held some nice quality manicure tools, some of which I'm still using. I stuck the only remaining inhabitant of this case, a nail file, into my medicine cabinet. No doubt a few months down the road, I'll blog it, too.
Update: Yes, it still exists. However, I don't know if you still get the unsolicited swag.
Guest Post: No longer a fan of mine
Thanks, "S"!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Color Me Certifiable...
Origin: Credential-mania.
How long kept: A bit less than a month.
Why kept: See confession.
Destination: Shredder, and then recycling.
Confession: This is ordinarily sticky stuff for me. I still have a copy of my grad school application from the first half of the 90s. (Aargh, and I think that decided to keep it when I shredded the 90s earlier in this project.) So I'm pleased to have let this go.
NB: I haven't yet received my certification, and have a couple of other steps I must complete. I'm guessing that I'll be done sometime this year.
Moving along swimmingly
Why kept: out of sight
How long kept: Last summer also last used then
Destination. Pregnant girlfriend!
I can't believe I keep finding maternity clothes except for 1/2 of tomorrow post :)
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Guest Post: Elvis, and these hangers, have left the building
"S," I know you won't be Lonesome Tonight for any of this! Thanks for posting.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Kiss (Off) and Make Up
Origin: Misfiring organizational neuron.
How long kept/ Last Used: The flowered case dates to the 90's (see confession). I actually picked up the tweedy case for my office when I rejoined corporate life in 2005; it came home with me when we shut down in late 2007. There are multiple "Whys" and an Aargh in that one.
Why kept: Although both were Perfectly Good, neither are useful in the era of the Ziploc bag. Mostly, though, Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Textile recycling.
Confession: The floral bag hasn't seen the inside of a suitcase since the late 90s. I actually stopped traveling with these and using Ziplocs in the late 90s. I was traveling for business every week, leaving on Monday and returning on Thursday or Friday. At the same time, I started going on "adventure camping" trips. Both of these experiences taught the benefits of traveling light! No need to schlep an extra 8 ounces or so to contain cosmetics. So the floral bag hasn't seen the light of day
Why kept: it was a gift, nostalgia, sticky
Destination: to my friend that I've known since 1st grade (wow, I'm lucky to have several friends that I still keep in touch with on a regular basis that I've know since grade school -- and NOT because of facebook!)
She's having a baby a year later than we did. If she has a boy, she will be blessed with years of clothing!!! If its a girl, "Aunt M" will have fun shopping!! Seeing her on Friday! Yay!
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I'm blushing but I'll make it up to you
Origin: probably my wedding makeup
Last used: over 5 years ago
Destination: trash
I don't wear much make up so it gets well-aged and wasted. I haven't worn blush since my wedding. Sigh. Good bye
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Origin: Also various.
How long kept/Usage: See confession.
Why kept: Ditto on the variety, but mostly, Out of Sight Out of Mind (they were in kitchen cabinets) and I Might Need Them.
Destination: Housing Works.
Confession: Wine glasses, I probably bought the set in the mid-90s, and have picked them off one at a time. I really loved them, but I only had two left, and have since collected a slightly ragtag assembly of not-quite matching but nice glasses, none enough for a full set. I decided to see which set can actually be completed, and I'll release the rest.
Why, in the last weeks of my employment at a soon-to-be-defunct firm, did I take the corporate logo mug offered by our exec assistant -- she had found an unopened box of them as we packed to leave. Should Have Said, "No." Aargh.
I'm particularly proud of the silverware sorter. In the spring, I repurposed my kitchen "junk" drawer, which now holds towels and napkins...the contents have been moved or blogged. But I kept this for probably 2 months: It Might Be Useful. Once I noticed I was moving it around, I resolved to release it...
Bonus: This went over in one of the many shopping bags in my "bag of bags" collection that is slowly being blogged.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Master of Puppets
Origin: The desire to give creative, non-commercial gifts.
How long kept: Oh, some of them probably 2+ years.
Last Used: Christmas, 2009. (See confession.)
Why kept: The creative spirit might strike me...over and over and over again. And maybe I might not ever wear out another sock. Ever. Thus, I Might Need Them; They Might Be Useful. Good Crafting Intentions Gone Bad. Aargh.
Destination: Textile Recycling.
Confession: I started on a rather masterful 3-D sock turtle over Christmas for "M"'s youngest, did a bit more on it with input from his 4 year old big brother in late May. They took it home, though I think I might add some touches to it the next time I visit.
Confession, cont: There are a couple of completely trashed cleaning rags in that particular pile...everything went up to Union Square today, when I visited an eye doctor up there.
Real real gone (Monday)
How long kept: since The Boys birthday several months ago
Why kept: it was lots of fun. It just recently stopped working and it was "sticky"
Destination: recycle
Hats off to the Boy!!
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Guest Post: bum (sugar) rush is for the birds
"S", when "M" reads this, I'm sure she'll start humming "Tuppence a Bag"; The Boy loves Mary Poppins. (It was one of my favorites, too.)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Good Box (One That's Not Evil)
It's a laundry box. When we helped my Grandma move out of her sizeable house into an apartment (oh, a long time ago) -- or maybe before then -- we found a few of these boxes. (If I recall correctly, one contained high school memorabilia from one of my uncles.)
What are they? I'll let the National Postal Museum tell us:
"Laundry BoxBack to school supplies included laundry mailing boxes for many college-bound students in the early twentieth century. The reusable mailing containers provided a convenient way to deal with a time-consuming cleaning job. Using the mail also saved on cost because shipping grubby clothes home to mother could be cheaper than a professional cleaner. From the 1910s into the 1960s, mailing laundry was an attractive option for anyone without the time, means, or resources to do the chore themselves. It suited undergraduates, summer campers, military personnel, and others.
Types of containers varied, but they all needed to be made of durable materials; able to withstand repeated opening, closing, and sealing; and be of a manageable size. The metal version in the National Postal Museum collection meets those criteria. The light-weight box measures 6 ½ inches deep by 19 ¾ inches long and 12 ¼ inches wide. Ready for multiple trips, the mailing label and postage could be slipped into a small frame on the lid, which itself could be secured and released from the box many times with the buckle and strapping."Yes, a mother's time was a cheap commodity back then.
This came to mind last year -- and then again recently -- when I was about to confess to "S" that there's one box that I haven't 86'd.
It's a box she used to send me 15 or 20 copies of a book a couple years back. It was brand new back then, and a very good box -- the kind that closes without tape because the flaps tuck cunningly into open spots. It can also be flattened out.
It's a Good Box.
Rather than schlepping things onto airplanes, I've used this box 5-6 times, maybe more, shipping things to and from Chicago and Minnesota on trips when I'm staying a while. The fact that I've re-used this box so many times reminded me of the aluminum laundry boxes we found at my Grandma's.
Wouldn't reusable boxes like this be a good thing to resurrect on "green" grounds? For now, when I need to avoid checking baggage, I'll keep using the box that "S" sent me. It's actually about the size of a laundry box.
(And as for the laundry boxes from Grandma's? I'll bet they're in the attic and Mom & Dad's.)
photo: from the National Postal Museum website.
Power outage nets blog items!
Where found: behind the refrigerator
Why kept: totally out of sight
Last used: well the refrigerator was purchased around 1999. I never used the pepper shaker, it was a cute garage sale purchase. The oven mitt, I have no idea.
We lost power at 10:10 pm on friday night. They told us last night that it would be 36 more hours before the power was restored. We pulled out the frig to get the plug so we could tap into our neighbor generator. (We are blessed with wonderful neighbors!) While we were back behind the frig, we found these items. We also found the missing "N" from the "frig phonics".
Power was restored early this morning around 12:30 am. Thank you ComEd for fixing our power ahead of schedule and thanks to the neighbors for the temp power. Luckily the weather is nice!!
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Guest Post: Wrap-ture
"S", we really all do have the same stuff...
I Can Hardly Contain Myself
Origin: My craft stash, Good Crafting Intentions Gone Bad. And Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
How long kept: Hmmm. At least one of those tins is over 18 months old. I think that another dates to my last corporate stint, so pre-2008.
Usage: Never.
Destination: Recycling.
Rant: As I happen across magazine articles and blog posts about managing our stuff is the emphasis on containers. Storage Boxes are Evil; I'm holding to that one!
I don't mean that I should never store anything.
It's not a matter of finding the right way to keep stuff, it's a matter of matter: do I have things that don't matter? Probably not.
But how they matter, and how, or whether, this "mattering" should be a factor my life today...does.
Project Update: I'm getting to the stage where I can probably start to think about tackling one of those "graduate" level items, like my box of vintage clothes and the boxes of photos. I also have kitchen cabinets filled with dishes that I never use. On the plus side, I've gotten rid of most of the appliances that I never use.
Hmmm, where to start?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Cast Off
daughter team whose last name is Cast. I'm funny.)
Origin: "M", see confession.
Usage/How long kept: Christmas gift, 2010, finished it last night.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind...this was under some magazines, since dispatched. And then once I found it I decided to read it, thus I Might Need It.
Destination: Housing Works.
Confession: "M" and I were Buffy fans back in the day. She found the
Sookie Stackhouse series long before HBO did. This vamp tale is fun, and far better than the angsty and humorless *Twilight* (which I didn't even bother to finish). But ultimately, someone else will enjoy it, and I'll enjoy not storing it.
How long kept: the oldest is probably the real simple. I've been moving this around the house for a long time. It was a hand-me-down from Mom. I think it was from Spring of '09. The others are 2010
Why kept: the might be useful, I might finish reading them, I was going to Freecycle them
Destination:I usually share these magazines with others but today, I just need them gone! Out to the recycling bin with you!!
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Got it under control
Origin: came with a free backpack from the hospital
Last used never
Why: I might read it, might be useful
Destination: recycle
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Guest Post: Out, out, damned toxic cleanser!
Good question, "S". It seems to me that other cleaners used "sol" in their names back in the day...I wonder?
Off Key
Origin: Corporate loss prevention program.
How long kept/last used: Pre-December, 2007.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Trash.
Confession: This was in a cosmetic case (which used to be in my office drawer in my last corporate gig) in my bathroom linen cabinet. The cables were issued by my employer, so that laptops wouldn't be stolen from our desks at work -- which was possible but not probable. The cables weren't well-designed, either. One end looped around the leg of the modular desk, the lock itself turned a little metal device that clicked into a small hole in the plastic laptop housing. By policy, we were required to use them at all times. Practically, I could see that the laptop housing was weakening around the lock; it would have been a simple matter to rip it out. I locked the laptop in a drawer when I left my workstation for lunch or long meetings.
Our office was shuttered prior to the financial crisis, as the bank imploded via bizarre and ultimately unsuccessful merger, so there would be no hope of merging this lonely key with its equally ill-conceived partner.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Bee gone (copy cat)
Why kept: the pursuit of non chapped lips, out of site
How long kept: I'd guess about 5 years for the carmex but less for the burts
Destination: trash
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Sock It To...Anyone But Me
Origin: Desire for warm ankles.
How long kept: Hmmm, how long do socks last? Definitely at least a couple of years.
Why kept: I am the queen of making sock puppets for my nephews. So, They Might Be Useful.
Destination: Textile recycling.
Confession: I need to look at my stash of spare socks -- I have a sense that the have been some Good Crafting Intentions Gone Bad.
Guest Post: crash & burn
Thanks, "S."
It's a roller coaster
Why kept: it's pretty, storage boxes are evil
Origin: garage sale many many years ago
Last used: 4+ years ago B.K. (Before kids)
Destination: amvets pickup
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bee Gone
Origin: Earthy beauty ambitions.
How long kept: Ooh, I'm not sure.
Last used: Not in at least 3 years.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, more from the bathroom medicine cabinet.
Destination: Trash.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I'm wine-ing
Why kept: I might need them, nostalgia
Last used: in March or April for Earth hour
Destination: freecycle
The hubby placed these out for the lady who wanted them but we forgot to snap a photo before they left. Oops
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Guest (Room) Post
Origin: Travel forgetfulness. And more on the obvious and never-ending sun protection theme.
How long kept: One of the sunblocks had no expiration date. That's a long time, folks. There was a nearly gone hair gel that dates back to 2001, I believe.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Central states landfill.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Soap soap and more soap
Why kept: out of sight and I might need it but not with my stock of Bath and Bodyworks soap. I'll never use this stuff
How long kept: gosh, I won't even venture to guess!
Destination: sharing with my work
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Playing It Tight
Origin: Gulp, my high school dance classes???
How long kept: A very long time.
Why kept: Mostly Out of Sight, Out of Mind (see confession).
Destination: Textile recycling
Confession: These were among the treasures unearthed in a long unused, and now gone, suitcase. I placed these into my fabric stash,
along with some tweedy knit leg warmers from the same era. I was
thinking "sock monkey."
Now I'm thinking, Aargh.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Guest Post: No regrets, Ms. Vinaigrette
"S", thanks for the twofer...
Guest Post: sticky X 2
Containers rinsed & recycled. The lids, unfortunately, are a #4, non-recyclable in my town. Why can't the container people get their acts together and make the lids recyclable too?"
Now, that gives our "sticky" designation a whole new meaning -- thanks, "S".
I've Been Framed
Usage/How long kept: I had these hanging up until the little guy was past 3 years old, and his younger brother had turned 1.
Why kept: I loved them! They were Perfectly Good. They were a Gift from my sister-in-law.
Destination: I repainted this one, gave it a new ribbon, and gave it as a belated birthday gift to "M", with some help from her son, The Boy, who selected a photo of his younger brother as the appropriate photo for the repurposed frame.
Confession: "M", you've been blogged.
Confession, cont: Other family members, be on the lookout for the gift of my folk art stylings.
Why kept: might be useful
Last used: a few months ago
Destination: local health Sept drug disposal
It makes me so happy that my health department properly disposes of medical waste such as sharps and old medication. Once I called the pharmacy (years ago) to ask if they dispose of drugs. They said no, just flush it. I shuddered to think of all the various medications getting into our water system. Hmm I wonder what happens to the meds after I take them there.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
Let's Go to The Videotape
Origin: Borrowed from a former employee; left behind when we closed the business.
How long kept: 6 years.
Usage: Not at all
Why kept: Guilt. See confession.
Destination: Nephews.
Confession: I kept this fairly visible on my bookshelf, and would think about its owner, Beth, from time to time. I kept hoping to return it to her, but she has fallen out of my world. Nobody I know is still in touch with her. I googled her; I have a feeling that she got married and changed her name. If she turns up again, I will replace this for her with something equal or better.
Update, June 13: I did this tape twice yesterday with my 4 year old nephew. I'm sore today.
Why kept. Out of sight
How long kept: the purple thing under 5 years. The honeycomb was kept for about a month
Destination: recycle and trash respectively
This is Fridays post :)
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Friday, June 11, 2010
Bottled Up
Origin: Travel kit.
Usage: Uh, never.
How long kept: Since the late 80s/early 90s.
Why kept: I Might Need It.
Destination: This is so old that it doesn't bear a recycling number...but I'm going to be optimistic and recycle it.
Confession: I doubt that this would have ever been watertight enough to actually travel with lotion in it. I recently purged this from my bathroom cabinet, where it had been since the mid-90s.
I had put it in the box with my craft stuff. After all, it was Perfectly Good. Repurposed, It Might Be Useful.
Confession, part two: Even though I've been using a Ziploc bag for my cosmetics since long before they were "required," I still have at least one, maybe 2 travel kits in that bathroom cabinet.
Update: Haha, in our blogging past, "M" and I have been known to simultaneously blog the same thing...very funny/scary that independently we came up with similar items and titles on the same day.
All bottled up
Last used: when the Hubby had a bad cold, he put some in the shower. But since the cold was so nasty he couldn't smell it, so he used most of the bottle! Boy did the house stink :) this was several years ago
Why kept: good crafting intentions gone bad. I was going to put skulpey clay on it
Destination: recycle
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Guest Post: it just slipped by me...
Circle of life, baby. Thanks, "S."