Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Le Smoking

Le Smoking
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A gigantic smoking jacket. See confession.
Origin: Thrift-store madness.
Usage: I sincerely hope not.
How long kept: Since the early/mid-80s.
Why kept: Other than the fact that I clearly have "issues", mostly Out of Sight, Out of Mind. And, Storage Boxes Are Evil:  while this is Vintage, it is not Cool.   But it was in the aforementioned box of vintage clothing items.
Destination: Since I don't know LeBron James or other man large enough (or fashion backwards enough) to wear it, Housing Works.   In another of the nearly depleted stash of shopping bags!

Confession: This goes way beyond any sort of reasonable "Big Jacket" style of the 80s. I measured it, it's 36 inches long. I don't stand far north of 60 inches, so I sincerely apologize to anyone who ever even saw me try this on. Hopefully I never sported it.

Confession, part deux: It smells musty, yet retains a dry cleaning tag. So I imagine that, while it was technically put away clean, it still harbors smoke from --  well -- not exactly, Cromwell's time. Eew.

Confession, part trois:  The eagle-eyed reader will note the Baskin, Chicago label...not only have I paid rent on this item for the last 25+ years, I also paid to move it across the country.    

Confession, continued: While I did find the dress for "S" (or if she doesn't love it, someone else), and pulled out a couple more items to blog...there is still a storage box containing vintage clothing I'm not ready to release. But that I'm highly unlikely to ever wear again.



  1. Sheila Shrink-wrap sez: It's OK to have vintage clothing not ready to release OR wear... :)
    and the Holly Golightly in me is thanking you in advance for that little black dress!

  2. I loved this! Do you have the yellow one still?

  3. The yellow one...much smaller, and very cute with a strapless dress...was last seen in a closet at Mom & Dad's.

  4. And "S" the dress, which I'll bring tomorrow, is definitely Holly material, though it's not black...
