Friday, July 23, 2010

It's a Bust!

It's a Bust!
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What:   Dress shaper.
Origin:  Fancy dry cleaner, for a big evening item, a pouffy skirted dress.
How long kept:   Hmmm.   Probably since sometime early in this century.   And, see confession.
Why kept:   Out of Sight, Out of Mind.   See confession.
Destination:  "Bust" and tissue paper, recycling.   Hanger will be pressed into service in my closet...down the road, will possibly recycled to the cleaners.

Confession:  I went into my closet to look for a cocktail dress I thought that "S" might like.   And, busted, found this hanging, empty, inside a gigantor, slightly dusty, drycleaning bag.    The dress, which I removed from the bust to wear to a friend's glam 40th birthday party, was hanging on another hanger nearby.

My friend?  She's now 43. 

And the dress I thought that "S" might like?   MIA.    I think it's in a, you know, storage box.   Storage Boxes are Evil.



  1. Ah, well...maybe it will turn up and if not, the thought is much appreciated!

  2. I'll breach one of the eeevil storage boxes this weekend...guessing it's in there.

  3. I found it, precisely in the storage box I thought it would be's a gorgeous cocktail dress, beautifully made, and it has a story that primes it for release to someone who might appreciate it.

    Found several other things to "blog", including a summer daytime dress that I'll see if you'd like, too. And some bizarre and hideous stuff that will be detailed here later this week.

    And for shopping in my own closet: for me, a dress I didn't even remember acquiring, a perfect "Mad Men" black cocktail dress that fits just fine, and just needs a trip to be pressed.
