Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jarring Realization

What:  Yet another Good Jar.
Origin:  Recycling greeny intentions.
How long kept:   Since the Molasses Incident of earlier in the year.
Why kept:   It's Perfectly Good -- I can use it for food storage.  Thus, It Might Be Useful
Usage:  Not at all, see confession.
Destination:  Recycling.

Confession:   The number of times I tried to wash this, albeit by hiding it in the corners of ostensibly otherwise full dishwasher loads, I was unable to ban the molasses scent from the cap.   The almond butter jars are awesome, and always wash clean instantly.  Other efforts to re-use jars have been not so successful.

This one brought up a nice crafty childhood memory -- we'd go to the recyling bins in our village (a well kept suburban town) and retrieve gaily colored bottles (ok, mostly brown and green ones!) and bottles with interesting shapes.   We'd bring them home, and use a bottle cutting kit my dad had bought to cut off the tops, sand them off, yielding I'm not sure what.   Sawed off bottles?   I have no memory of the finished product.

This is definitely a Dad memory (eew, going into recycling bins!), and "M" is probably too young to have partaken.   Funny, I'm sure we inhaled glass dust while sanding off these artworks, to no ill end.   Today, we'd have to put the kids in hazmat gear for such endeavors...

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