Friday, July 16, 2010

Capping off The Week

What:  Cap for a Sigg water Bottle.
Origin:  Available option when I replaced a Sigg bottle due to the recall.
Usage:  Not so was difficult to open and not easy to clean.
Last Used:   Hmmm, late 2009?
Why kept:  It Might Be Useful.   Someone Might Need It.   And Out Of Sight, Out of was in my kitchen cabinet, where I moved it around from time to time.
Destination:  Housing Works

Photo:, I forgot to snap a photo!


  1. And I had pre-posted this one, figuring to be out of town.

    I wasn't being a smart@$$; who knew that they would have capped off the flow of oil in the Gulf. Let's hope it's permanent, so that the rest of the solution can begin.

  2. I am so afraid to read the headlines...but maybe your post is prophetic!

  3. Seriously, I posted this last Saturday or Sunday. Who knew?
