Sunday, August 28, 2011

My jewels!

My jewels!
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What plastic ring
Where found junk drawer
last used probably a year
why kept: well this eing get me mother of the year. I probably told The Boy
I would fix it. Threw it in the junk drawer probably hoping he'd forget
about it...looks like both did :)
Destination trash

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Monday, August 8, 2011

He doesn't have my back anymore

What : a pen from a chiropractor I no long, nor will I ever go to
again...long story. If you know me, I will tell you all about His
How long kept: about a year. It was purple... I heart purple
Last used: last week, but it made me remember one of the many reasond why I
no longer will see him our recommend him.
Why: it is perfectly good
Destination: trash. Probably could have given it away, but it needs to go
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Rubberband man..

Rubberband man..
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: rubberbands that were just hanging by the sink. Getting icky
Why kept: well, I'm going to blame the Hubby on this on. They might be
How long kept: about 1-2 months.
Destination: trashed em.
I made an executive decision... The were soggy and kinda gross.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Artsy project

Artsy project
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: I think it was going to have some super cool LED lights behind it, but
we really don't have a place for it.
why kept: good crafting intentions gone bad
Last used: um ahhh (crickets chirping)
Destination: the parts have been dismantled and mostly recycled

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Ruh roh

Ruh roh
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: a blanket lent to us last Labor Day. A friend was so nice to get this
for the Kid when it got chilly at night while we were at a fest.
Why kept: out of sight and lazy
How long kept: almost exactly 11 months.
Destination: to their new house that is about 3 blinks (darn auto
guess..blocks) away.

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Good day sunchips

Good day sunchips
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
I'm in a musical mood. I have a "Good Day Sunshine" remake brewing in my

What: a large bag that had a variety of sunchips
Why kept: it might be useful.
How long kept: about a month.
Destination: recycle

One thing we don't have want for in our house is bags. We have fat ones,
skinny ones, bags that play on rocks. Okay, now it's the Oscar Meyer
weiner jingle . Who knows what is next

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