Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Guest Post: no longer my cup of tea...er...glass of wine

"A source book for decorators/clients to locate participating artists/artisans (who shell out $$$ for a page) - loaned to me by someone I am no longer in touch with. This ended up in my reading box next to my bed. The other night I set my glass of wine down on the end table to turn out the table lamp before leaving the room. Light out, I reach for the glass (I really thought I knew exactly where it was!) and knocked it into the box. Rescued: "A" 's gift of "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" and the book I will one day finish: "Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s" by Ann Douglas. Lesson to Me: Don't drink in the dark. If you look close, you can see some shiraz spatters. I'll wipe them off and send the book to Beacon Reads or Goodwill.
Good girl :)"

"S", there's nothing a few spatters of shiraz won't improve. (Malbec can also help.) Thanks so much...

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