Saturday, March 27, 2010

Don't Put Me In, Coach

Don't Put Me In, Coach
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Textbook from a coaching course I took a few years back.
Origin: Desire to learn a new skill.
Usage/How Long Kept: Maybe I've referenced it once or twice since the course ended in 2005.
Why Kept: I might need to refer back to it, and thus I Might Need It.
Destination: Housing Works.

Confession: This was in a stack with another coaching book. These were $40 texts, and I checked on Amazon to see if there was a resale market. This one has a new edition, so I got rid of it. But the used copies of this edition are listed at Amazon for over $30, so I actually filled out the donation form at Housing Works this time.   (Usually I've just been dropping stuff off; I don't really care about the deduction.   With another 3/4 of the year to go, I'll have plenty of time to donate up to my limit!)

(And I listed the other one for sale at Amazon.   It Might Be Worth Something, If I Can Find A Buyer. If it's not gone in a month, it can go to HW, too. They have an awesome bookstore in Soho.)

Confession, part two: "Coaching" is like yoga or crafting...lots of women seeking work they enjoy or find meaningful try to make businesses from it. Thus, there's a wide range to the quality of offerings -- while I learned some great things in the course, and have great respect for the teacher and the person who steered me in this direction,I took a pass on doing this for a living.

Bonus:  April 5th update --  the other book sold!   I can't believe it.

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