Monday, April 5, 2010

Excellent Surprise

Excellent Surprise
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Textbook.
Origin: Course I took back in 2004.
Last Used: 2005-ish? Maybe I've referred back to this one once since then.
Why kept: Mostly, Out of Sight, Out of Mind. A little bit, I Might Need It.   And more recently, It Might Be Worth Something, If I could Find A Buyer.
Destination: A man named Todd in California. Thanks, Todd!

Confession: I didn't expect this book to sell. I looked through it one more time last night, and definitely don't need it.

Bonus: I'll net $22.69 for this baby (after postage and Amazon's commission.) I was able to drop it at the PO when I went out for coffee this morning.   And key to getting rid of the book was pricing it slightly below the lowest priced used copy on Amazon.   Sure, there are some copies out there in worse shape than the extremely gently used copy I mailed off this morning, maybe it was "worth" more.   But this one is out of my house, and I'm no longer paying rent for it, dusting it, or thinking about what to do with it.

Bonus, part 2:  I'm done for the day!

Extra incentive this morning:   As I was stepping out the door, NPR broadcast a story called "For Hoarders, The Mess Begins In the Mind."  (You can listen at the link.)

Uh, exactly.   It's not just hoarders, and it's not just the mess of stuff!   For humans, all messes begin in the mind.

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