Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Guest Post: I can see clearly now...

I can see clearly now...
Originally uploaded by heywattsky
"...because these unrepairable frames w/prescription lenses are on their way to an eyeglass recycler. I had to google and found this link:

and since I am on my way into the city tomorrow, see you later, eyeglasses! Oh--I have needed reading glasses since 1995, but these date back just 5 years or so. It's still my style of choice ("sexy librarian" :) ...but one of these days I'll opt for chartreuse cat-eyes. With rhinestones. Meow."

And I think I'll "see" you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. No sooner than exiting Grand Central and heading west into the theatre district, I passed a Lenscrafters, donated the glasses and got a receipt. Then I passed B'way and went into a time warp that sent me back to 1973, when I waitressed on W.45th St--saw that the building I served ham hocks and collard greens in was razed, tho the remainder of the block is still intact. Hmmm...maybe some karma there if I think about it!
    So-- I tossed my glasses and saw my early days in NYC all in the span of a New York Minute.
