Saturday, April 10, 2010

Guest Post: Tower of Babble

Tower of Babble
Originally uploaded by heywattsky
"... from yakking-days on a Princess phone to 2009 PC parts. Tech-stuff drop-off is tomorrow in Poughkeepsie, and I am just beginning!
(..."there are promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.")"

Another wonderful photo from "S", instantly ennobling her stuff even as it goes out the door. Looks like we shortchanged you, "S", this one was from yesterday.


  1. Happy to say, I woke up at the crack of dawn today (for me--7-ish) for my scheduled appointment (8:30, but was picking up other friends' stuff along the way) at the Dutchess County tech/hazardous material drop-off. Unhappy to say I forgot a few gee-gaws in the basement, little Gateway accoutrements that I forgot I had put on the clothes washer. Oh well, another post, another drop-off...

  2. Great job, hope it felt liberating!

    And you get an "atta girl" (as my old boss, Charlie, used to say) for taking stuff from your friends!

    Hope you're having a great weekend.
