Saturday, March 13, 2010

I've Been Saving These, Just In "Case"

What: A stack of b-school case studies, etc.
Usage: A lot. Not much after the late 90s.
How long kept: Oldest ones, since 1993; a couple of items since the early part of this century.
Why kept: I Might Need Them. (And I have referred back to one or two of these. Once or twice. Ack.) Nostalgia. Out of Sight, Out Of Mind.
Destination: Recycling.

Confession: I saved some of my work product from school. I'm not totally ready to let go: Sticky. There's also a binder from a coaching course I took in 2004, which I'm going to go through right now, my guess is that most of this stuff will go, too.

I'm also going to read through a couple of case notes on how companies can obtain bank lending, circa 1983 -- the golden age when bankers actually used to do credit analysis.   I'll laugh until tears come to my eyes before recycling those, too.   (Or maybe walk them down to the Finance Museum down at the tip of Manhattan; they might be collectors items, and not just "antiques".)

Confession, part deux: Also found some research materials from a proposed consulting project from early 2002, which didn't really go anywhere.   This was for a small consulting company I used to work for as a contractor; the owners are a couple of people I ultimately decided not to work with any more, after realizing that didn't have my interests at heart, at all. When I found that stuff, I almost cringed! It was easy to kiss that stuff good-bye.

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