Saturday, March 20, 2010

Supersize Refill me

Supersize Refill me
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: my Double Gulp cup
How long kept: a month or two. I have refilled it a few times. Usually I use a refillable mug, but I forgot it one morning
Last used: two + weeks ago
Why kept: it saves me cash when I use a refillable mug so it might be worth something and I might need it
Why is it going: I'm tired of moving it around the kitchen. If I forget my regular mug, what makes me think I'll remember this one?
Destination: recycle
Confession: I know this again looks like regular garbage/recycle, but as I may have mentioned I have a Diet Coke issue :). I would say it's sticky but it contains no sugar (har har har). I figure, worst case scenario I will get another plastic Double Gulp in a pinch
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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