Origin: A craving one evening. Sadly, when I opened it, it had been thawed and re-frozen and was like a block of icy sweet yuckiness. I didn't feel like going back out, so I went dessert-less
How long kept: About 2 weeks.
Why kept: I actually thought about taking it back to the store, but I wasn't up for the discussion. I won't print how much I paid for it, but it was ridiculous -- I got it at the bodega across the street, and this is probably one of their most frequently purchased, highest margin items. (Not sure what category this one actually goes in! Maybe Broken/I Might Fix It.)
Destination: Garbage.
Confession: Sorry about tossing that in the trash, but I don't think that icecream can be added to the community compost. (And the caramel wouldn't go down the drain well.)
oh, none of this would have stopped me. a little thawing, no problem--dulce de leche down the gullet hatch. happens to be my absolute favorite flavor in the world, probably.