Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting The Lead Out

Getting The Lead Out
Originally uploaded by 365 Things

What: Various useless pens, pencils, and highlighters.
Source: Office supply jones.
How Long Kept: Unknown, but one Perfectly Good (and thus retained) pencil bears the logo of a client from my early banking days -- pre-1996.
Why Kept: Aaaargh. And Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Storage Boxes, also, are Evil. These had been relegated to a storage box with other stuff on its way out. (Stay tuned.)
Destination: Good old NYC landfill.

Confession: I kept a (still working) and very cute pen from the Sheraton in Guilin, China. (When did I visit Guilin? 1995. Sigh.)

Bonus:  I'd like to particularly draw the reader's attention to the little plastic containers with black tops...those were all partly filled with Perfectly Good mechanical pencil lead.   I consolidated the contents into matching containers, will possibly never have to buy B or HB lead again in this lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. and I have a faulty lead pencil that will one day make its debut here...ahhh...lead pencils...but only if they work.
