Origin: SWAG from a yoga benefit.
Usage: Until this morning, not at all. Unless gathering dust counts as usage.
Why kept: They Might Be Useful. I probably could have given them to someone else who attended and would have enjoyed them more. (I Should Have Said No.) They're lovely, but now it feels like a job to use them up.
How Long Kept: 4 months.
Destination: Contents, being used. Containers, trash.
Bonus: I also threw out some expired lip gloss that I loved, but seemed too old. And a single tooth whitening tray that expired in August. (Again, does peroxide actually expire?) The pine and sage scent from the first package of shower gel, yummy. Remaining packets being used in the next day or so...perfect for an overnight business trip I'll be on tomorrow.
Bonus, cont: I'll use these up before they go bad. As earthy as they are, they probably don't contain preservatives.
Confession: I'm starting to run out of the easy items to shed -- low hanging fruit, as the consultants would say.
The good news is that I'm noticing stuff like this and getting it gone quickly. (#5 Plastic takeout containers from Sunday dinner -- already dropped off at the recycling bin at the market, rather than saved because They Might Be Useful.) And I've got a folder with a list of things to get rid of, so definitely no dearth of items.
The bad news is that some of other stuff feels very graduate level and intimidating. As we say here at 365 Things, "sticky."
I just have to keep on taking that next step! How did I learn to balance on one leg? I kept asking myself, "Can I stand here for one more breath?" One more breath.
Bonus, update: I totally heart the Pangea Organics Turkish Rose & White Tea Eye Cream For all Skin Types
Maybe we can tackle the graduate level stuff in tandem for moral support (if you are referring to the box of photos?) Mine is still within tripping distance in the living room, after the last attempt, in which I only tackled the tip of the iceberg. I'm game first week of Feb!
ReplyDeleteThat's probably a good idea, though the idea of doing so as early as next week is intimidating!
ReplyDeleteThat said, a grad school friend's husband actually has a small company that will scan shoeboxes of photos -- this is a compelling thought for at least some of the photos. I can probably commit to sorting through one box next week. (P.S. I don't have 50 boxes. More like 7.)