Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Kiss My, Um, Face

What:  Bar of Health Food-y Olive Oil Soap.
Origin:  Cleanliness is next to...
Usage:  Not much.
How long kept:  I'm going to say well over a year.   Long enough that it started to turn weird colors.   Like it was going bad.  (And when I say "well over a year", don't think that I mean 13 months.   I mean, eew.)
Why kept:  Despite the fact that this soap actually dried my skin badly, I Might Need It; It Might Be Useful.   I moved it from the bath to the kitchen -- because it my dry out my hands less profoundly after I had done the dishes?  
Destination:  Trash.   Maybe you could compost this stuff?  

Bonus:  It might be cruelty free in terms of animal testing, and that's a good thing, based on what it did to my hands.   Hopefully it won't harm the earth in the good old NYC landfill.

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