Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Under-Utilized Guest Post: "Under-utilized Utensils"

Under-utilized Utensils
Originally uploaded by heywattsky
Ack, the gals at 365 Things missed this one from "S", baking in Beacon. Thank you, "S"

"I got a new set of really nice measuring spoons recently, and while you can't have too many of those things when you bake like me (frenetically), I decided it was time to toss the plastic. So I perused my utility drawer. Also under-utilized and not earning its keep: the clay disk (to soften brown sugar?) The melon-baller (pre-dates Martha). And the nutcracker that lost its grip. And a treasure I didn't know I had--a Mr. Peanut measuring spoon. He goes to ebay, plastic to garbage, metal to bin, and the disk could conceivably go to compost, but I am not convinced that Chinese toxic plastic resin isn't baked into it. So--tossed into a Goodwill bag, a staple in my car trunk."


  1. Again, I'm laughing. We still have the same stuff!!! I had the blue measuring spoons, but gave them away a long time ago. I still have the terracotta thing that goes in the brown sugar, but mine is in the shape of a bear! hahahaha

  2. uh-oh...getting spooky here! who's the real sister, and who's separated at birth?
