Thursday, October 14, 2010

No Foam

What:   Foam packing blocks
Origin:  Came packed in a shelving unit I acquired. See confession
How long kept:  Only a few days...
Why kept:  I Might Need Them; They Might Be Useful. 
Usage:  Uh-uh.
Destination:  Mail Boxes Etc.

Confession:  I bought a shelving unit to organize my under-sink kitchen cabinet.   There's a little bit of Storage Boxes Are Evil here.   In my defense, I am trying to store things I use often in an accessible cleaning rags were not in reach, they were on an overhead shelf I needed a boost to reach.

I will lose some of the stuff from that cabinet, stay tuned.

Confession, cont:  It didn't take me too long to decide not to stick this in the closet with my other stash of packing materials.   Woot.

(And hat tip to "S", for pointing us to a post on Zen Habits by Gretchen Rubin, "Nine Quick Tips to Identify Clutter".    I don't actually think that there's anything quick about getting out of our habits as they relate to "stuff."   That said, Gretchen's 9 useful questions will all feel familiar to our 9 gentle readers!   Thanks, "S.")


  1. You're more than welcome. I have to admit, I save styrofoam blocks to use on the basement floor as a buffer between often damp cement and, what else? Stuff! (usually cardboard boxes that get moldy).Tho I am in the process of exploring those boxes, many of which exited via the tag sale.

  2. We have similar boxes in our garage.... Soon they will go. :-) One day at a time.
