Friday, October 8, 2010

Eminently Trashable

What:  Cap to a perfume bottle.
Origin:   Fancy perfume, which came with two caps -- one if you wanted to use the spritzer, and one if you didn't.   I did.
How long kept:   Geez, I'm guessing 3-4 years.
Why kept:  Because I might actually take the spray mechanism out and, um not use it?  I Might Need It!   Also, Out of Sight, Out of was in my medicine cabinet next to the perfume bottle.
Destination:  Landfill, with regret.

Confession:  The perfume is almost gone, I'm hoarding the last bits.  (I know it's not supposed to last so long, but I think it still smells great.   I've worn it several times a week for ages, it was a huge bottle.  Note to self:  see if you can get a smaller size.

Confession, cont:  I had lunch with occasional reader "J/NYC" yesterday.   She asked, do you ever have trouble finding something to get rid of.   My response was, nope.   Never.

Until today.   It probably took me about 15 minutes to figure this one out, and I'm reaching a bit.  But when it doubt, go to the medicine cabinet!   I'm sure there's still a few extras in there.   Stay tuned.

We also talked about the reluctance to let go of anything we might need.   My recent office supply drop at the meditation center took a handful of binder clips out of a pencil box where I keep most of my small office supplies.  (Storage Boxes Are Evil.)

It has been a pleasure to be able to close the box without reorganizing its contents each time.   And I did keep a substantial handful of binder clips, though none of the medium size...which I thought about "needing" at one point.   Now I can't remember what I needed them for.

As far as things like takeout containers go, this has been a lesson that has brought more than merely the (relative) spaciousness in my limited kitchen cabinet real estate.

Similar to the pencil box story, losing the habit of keeping takeout containers made me realize how much time I spent manipulating stuff I wasn't using.   There was a cost to those "free" takeout containers...and I paid it every time I took them all out of the cabinet to gain access to something I needed.

Does that make sense?


  1. Yes! Tho I still save plastic takeout containers, because they are good for mixing paint and mod podge, and what not. However, the tower of plastic that once was in a cabinet is now banished to the basement. (Houses = more room to store, and the catch-22 begins all over again :)

  2. I've also kept a small stash of these containers and a yogurt container or two, in the Evil Storage Box where my paints and glues are stored.

    (Stay tuned, next time I'm at a loss for something to shed, I'm sure there's room to prune there!)

    Thanks for stopping by, "S." Hope its gorgeous up in Beacon.
