Monday, August 16, 2010

Office Flotsam

Office Flotsam
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A variety of unused supplies.  Everything worked, and some were duplicates.
Origin: Various, see confession.
How long kept/Last Used: Some of the stuff hails from the mid-90s.
Why kept: They Might Be Useful! I Might Need Them!
Destination: I brought them, in a ziploc bag, to a not-for profit meditation center where I was taking a class. 

Confession: I have a small school pencil box that contains my office supplies.  This summer, I think because I've found stuff and consolidated it, I lost the ability to close the box. Aargh.   I have more binder clips than I could ever use; how many pink highlighters do I need?

While I find it necessary to keep this sort of stuff contained in one place, it's still a storage box that keeps things Out Of Sight, Out of Mind.   Storage Boxes are Evil.   Even when useful.

And finally, there were a couple of brand new, never sharpened pencils from corporate events I used to attend back in my banking days. One of the pencils was branded with a company I inherited as a client from someone who had been doing a less than stellar job. I still remember driving back from my first meeting with the Treasurer, who had berated me for 45 minutes straight, using pretty much every obscenity in the book. It took about a year to turn that one around. Nostalgia. And not all the good kind.

Bonus: The good people at the meditation center were grateful beyond the magnitude of the gift. (And this is the sort of institution where they lend out a lot of pens and pencils. Next time maybe I'll take a box of new pens to them.)

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