Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ted Nugent would be proud

Ted Nugent would be proud
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
Well maybe not but this is eco friendly. Sadly I'm bringing stuff home like real wood Lincoln logs for The Boy and an old school playskool town like we used to play with. I'm trying to stop. But those I couldn't pass up
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  1. I think that Ted is eco-friendly, too. Doesn't he kill and eat his own food and then make clothing from it? (Or something like that.) Not my style, but it takes all kinds to make a food chain!

  2. And I'll also say, real Lincoln Logs? I have to approve of the kids playing with real stuff.

    (Do they even make Lincoln Logs from wood now, or are they plastic!?)

    Great community service, "M", coordinating the Freecycle Free For All, and helping other people get rid of stuff!

  3. Thanks "A". "Q" started it :-)
    I have a tremendous respect to Mr. Nugent. He totally practices what he preaches and lives off the land as much as possible or so I have read. That is why I think he'd approve :-) Even if it wasn't total chaos. "Q" and I thought there were less people this time. We are thinking of doing another in November.

    Lincoln logs, I think are made from plastic or at least they were a few years ago. Who knows, maybe then went back to the more sustainable wood? But these were like the logs *I* played with and I think they are still in the attic at mom's.

  4. Thanks, "Q"!

    It would be neat to hear about some of the stuff people brought to the Free for All. What was popular and got taken? What wound up not being at all of interest and getting sent to Goodwill?

    (They have them here in NYC occasionally, but the idea of the crowds has kept me away. I should check one out in the future.)

  5. Kids toys go really fast. Clothes are hit or miss. Unfortunately, people bring really. ratty, stained or damaged items and we don't even bring them to Goodwill. (Hairbrushes, underwear?!?) Holiday items didn't go as well this time. Maybe because it was so hot? Crafting items are pretty popular too.

    Wow, I would hate to see the craziness that is a NYC F4A! Just the sheer volume! We are going to try to find a charity that will come out on Saturday and pick up our leftovers so we don't have to schlep it ourselves. We'd still pack it up and help load, but it's be easier if we were just done after packing up. It ends up being an all day event. Fun, but exhausting. I did still get my nap in :-)
