Friday, October 1, 2010

Time for change

Time for change
Originally uploaded by DeClutter
What: change from the large glass water cooler bottle (look for time for change - part 2)
Why kept: a little out of sight and saving the $$ for...I don't know what
How long kept: I've had this change in varying amounts for over 15 years
Destination: "free" change counter @ the grocery store

Well, I got to the store only to find that if you want cold hard cash they charge a fee 9.8% NINE POINT EIGHT!! If you get an e-certificate you get the full amount. I opted for the amazon e-certificate for just over $90!! I was disappointed about the fee and no cold hard cash. Live and learn and shop @ amazon :)


  1. Here in NYC, TD Bank (formerly Commerce bank) has free change counting machines.

    I'll bet that Mom would give you cash for that Amazon certificate...she'll make quick work of it.

  2. With the birthdays and holidays coming, I'll make quick work of it too :-)
